titel says evrything pls pm (i make good offers)
Posts by Sun
-Jubel Fanfare 4/5
-4/4 TH Acc
-Full IC (no hair no weap)
-Exclusive Maid (full)
-Full IC (no gloves no shoes) offer begins at 2.9b
-FUll Hamel NAvi
-TH ACC 4/4
-Full Winter 2017 Limo
pls pm me
MK2 Full offer begins at 3.5b
Salvatore Rosso hair+weapon
Evil Tracer 1 4/5(no hair) 3/4 (no wings)
Einsamer Wolf Full
EO Black TOP
Salvatore Ebalon (Mondmeister) 5/5 +weap and relic
Evil Tracer 3 5/5
hii so i want to sell: ...
-Ara LOH Weapon Highest offer is 3b +seal (1x yellow Poru seal)
-MF (red) 4/5 u need to seal ( 450kk) (4x yellow Poru seal)
-Salvatore Ebalon Hair 1.250 b +seal (1x yellow Poru seal)
-El Officer Black 5/5 u need to seal (500kk) (5x yellow Poru seal)
-4/4 Serbius (WhiteDragon) 3b
-AP Hair LIght And Cape 600kk + seal (1x yellow Poru seal needed)
pm me
heey im Looking for
Top 2% & 3% Crit. Stone
Bottom SuperNova10-12% / 2% & 3% Crit. Stone
Gloves Energy Spurt 10-12% or supernova 10-12%/ 2% & 3% Crit. Stone // DMg BossMonster or whatever
Shoes Energy Spurt 10-12% or supernova 10-12% / 2% & 3% Crit. Stone
pls pm me c:
can be closed
heey guys i just need the gloves and top so if someones selling it pls Pm i would offer gloves 50kk top 90kk ca also seal
https://www.pic-upload.de/view…8-2820-14-41-285.jpg.html will give +10 or 2.5b
I can trade
-Full Serbius Aisha/ Ara/ Eve
-SAlvatore Ebalon (rena) 5/5 +weap and relic
-Full Coinsshop Street Star AIsha dark ver.
-eve loh full (no cuff) would trade for 2 +10 and 2+9
-ciel hno full/lu hno full(dark one)
(also i have a +10 D4 weapon Rena would trade for Aisha +10 D4 weap)
pls pm me x-x
Hi so i want to buy this stuff just PM me pls if u have it >-<
https://www.pic-upload.de/view…8-2820-14-41-287.jpg.html i would give for both 900kk
https://www.pic-upload.de/view…8-2820-14-41-283.jpg.html --> 150kk+seal
https://www.pic-upload.de/view…8-2820-14-41-284.jpg.html --> 350 to 400kk+seal (Street Star Original ver. Shoes and Top i can also give +9 scroll/Chung Endent Stuff)
https://www.pic-upload.de/view…8-2820-14-41-285.jpg.html --> 700-850+seal or// +9and 200kk
https://www.pic-upload.de/view…8-2820-14-41-286.jpg.html -->300kk+seal (would buy blue ver. too//also i can give LOH Chung Acc )
If someone Interested in Trading Stuff vs Stuff i can Traid:
1.Serbius Full Aisha
2.Serbius Full Ara
3.Serbius Full Eve
4.Add Coinsshop (Classic Butler)
5.Archpriest Hair Ara/Elesis
6.Salvatore Ebalon Rena 5/5 weap and Relic/(Mondmeister)
7.Detective Aisha Full both ver.
8.Gothic Punk Add red ver. gloves and shoes
9.Elios Stage /Eve/Ele/Ciel
10.HNO Cape Ciel/Aisha
11.Serbius Eyes
12.TH Thorns Ciel LU Rose
13.LOH Weapon Ara (i want to trade vs LOH Weapon Chung i can add +9 scroll or ed)
can be closed
HI FatalBeing And I buying 5/5 Salvatore Rosso
hey FatalBeing und ich kaufen hair-sh Feuermeister Chung
pls PM us /me
we would offer 750kk
we would buy only 5/5 and cape too
pm me if interested c: