Posts by IchBinBlackReborn

    Ich finde auch, dass die "die Liste ist komplett falsch, weil xy" , "sie bezieht sich nur auf einen Dungeon. das ist nichtssagend" Leute, dann auch ihre Version einer Tierliste für ihre Kriterien erstellen sollen.

    Das würde aber voraussetzen das man ein ernsthaftes Interesse daran hat so eine Liste zu erstellen und etwas zum Thema beitragen will.

    Dann kann man aber nicht mehr Dünn**** schreiben und Threads mit sinnlosem Bull**** derailen.

    Das man diese Liste so gut wie komplett an 11-4 fest macht ist schon ok imo.

    Es ist nun mal der meist gespielte und relevanteste Dungeon.

    Alle anderen Dungeons werden entweder so gut wie nicht gespielt oder sind so einfach das man keinen Unterschied in Sachen Clearzeit/Aufwand und etwaigem benötigtem Endgame-Gear zwischen einem vermeintlichen Star- und F-Rank Char feststellen könnte.

    Eine zweite Liste mit nicht perfektem EQ zu erstellen halte ich jedoch für sinnvoll, auch wenn dies sehr viel schwerer ist.

    Wenn die Liste nur zeigen soll welche Chars mit perfektem EQ die besten sind schön und gut, anfangen kann damit aber niemand etwas.

    Zum einen hat ein Großteil der Spieler nun mal mittelmäßiges Gear zum anderen sind es genau solche Spieler die so eine Liste hier wirklich "brauchen".

    Leute die perfektes Elyanode Gear und jahrelange Spielerfahrung haben erstellen diese Liste. Anfangen können sie damit gar nichts.

    Das angebrachte Argument das man auf perfektes Elyanode-Gear hinarbeitet und deswegen dieses Ranking Sinn macht ist absolut schwach.

    Bis jemand von mittelmäßigem Gear auf gutem Elyanode-Gear Stand ist gabs 5 neue Balance-Patches und ich kann Elsword mit seiner Schwester verheiraten.

    Das ein Großteil der hier aufgeführten Star-Rank Chars absoluter Trash sind mit "mittelmäßigem" Gear ist auch nicht gerade unerheblich.

    Ne +9 AeS kann da direkt mal mit Metamorphy den Rang tauschen.

    Ich bin ja dafür das Yuuma diese Liste gleich mal in Angriff nimmt.

    Hab da vollstes Vertrauen in sein umfangreiches Wissen.

    Yeah, i'm aware. The one arguing the non-existence of lag was mostly your french companion, blatantly lying that she'd never encountered any or close to none lag when playing with Lat-Am or other non-european players and further derailing the discussion with stupidity caused by a lack of knowledge and reading comprehension.

    "While I would support a LatAm server for the sake of the LatAm community that wants it, I do not support it as a means to this goal."

    Me neither.

    As for the "should not be forced" part. That probably won't be enough to stop threads like this.

    I'm also pretty sure that on the off chance a seperate server actually happens, GF would reroute players just like NA/Int never giving them a choice.

    Swapping servers as you please also won't happen. Even if you'd pay, i'm pretty sure GF doesn't have the manpower and willingness to constantly swap accounts.

    As far as your "simple fact" is concerned, both lag and specific ping scores have their causes in network delay, which itself is caused by physical and technical limitations (among other problems). Anything born from that is an issue of how the game deals with latency.

    Anyway, since we can both agree that the players are not the problem, regardless of our specific look at it, can you tell me why discriminating against said players should be the solution?

    If you aknowledge that a high ping is caused by physical and technical limitations, in this case the distance and the currently used internet technology, then why did argue whether there even is any lag?

    At least stop the stupid discussion when it comes to that fact.

    If you specifically want to argue whether or not that actually is a problem, fine you can do that, because that is subjective.

    However you -and everyone else opposed to the idea of a seperate server- have yet to answer my previous question about what the disadvantages are for a seperate server.

    As far as i argued in my previous post there are no disadvantages for Lat-Am as opposed to the huge advantages of playing with people from their region and therefore much less distance related lag due to an otherwise unavoidable high ping and the fact that the game is, and will always be, peer-to-peer.

    You wanting to keep Lat-Am from having their own server does more harm then the notion of opposing it because it is motivated by rasiscm.

    Like i wrote before, do you think Lat-Am players like to play laggy dungeons and pvp with Europeans?

    No? Then why are you opposed to the idea of giving them a seperate server?

    If it's just to oppose rascism than at least aknowledge that you don't actually give a s**t about Lat-Am players if you otherwise can't give another reason as to why they shouldn't have their own server.

    *send this post before being able to read #147.

    Since when do I have to agree with everything badidol says? Apart from him asserting there to be a problem without backing it up, he also makes no claim on the nature of said problem, whereas y'all claim people from LatAm being its source. So you're back to the point where you have to prove that with metaphysical claims about how lag works and the assertion of malice without evidence.

    Just the fact that someone like you with a background in IT faints ignorance to the simple fact that there can't be a long distance peer-to-peer connection between a Lat-Am and European player without a ping well above 100ms, which unavoidably leads to lag, says everything.

    Lat-Am players are not the problem. Their distance to European players is the problem.

    And it doesn't matter if there's malice involved or not.

    That's like a man using the womans restroom and when called out the responce is "prove malice".

    Even if he's not aware of it and without malice, there's still an avoidable problem with that.


    Can you please provide proof for the impossiblity of LA players having a decent ping instead of just saying stuff at if its true.

    And laggs for the LA people will be far better if you have a seperate LA server positioned somewhere in Europe..sure

    Yes, i can prove the impossibility of Lat-Am players having a ping under <100ms (more like <200ms) with any european player and vice versa.

    Simply use any websites or means you have to ping any location in Lat-Am.

    It is impossible for any player to get a ping <100ms (more like <200ms), with the current technology available for normal people.

    As for your "And laggs for the LA people will be far better if you have a seperate LA server positioned somewhere in Europe..sure"

    Stop talking about things you don't understand.

    Whether it be pve or pvp the connection is always Peer-to-Peer and therefore the location of Gameforges server doesn't matter.

    What matters is where the players having said Peer-to-Peer connection are located.

    And like i said above it is impossible for any Lat-Am or European Player to have a Peer-to-Peer connection with another under <100ms (more like <200ms) due to the distance, physics and limits in currently used technology.

    The only noticable inlfluence when it comes to the location of the game server is when you want to use or pick up an item whether it be in pvp or pve.

    Wtf are all of you talking about?

    It is impossible with the currently used technology for a Lat-Am player to have a ping <100ms (more like <200ms) with any european player and vice versa unless you found a way to defy physics.

    Let me repeat myselfs, as ironically noone answered me the last time.

    What are the disadvantages for Lat-Am players as opposed to the advantages of them being able to play with people from their continent that are way more likely to have a lower ping?

    Do you really think Lat-Am players actually like to play with European players that, due to unavoidable physics when it comes to long distance, will always result in lag?

    Why would any Lat-Am player be opposed to a seperate server as long as they can keep their progress?

    As far as i can tell you're either not able to think that far or even worse just want use this opportunity to call other people rascist without actually giving a <deleted> about Lat-Am players.

    Edited by Veltarox|Vulgar language|Please use better language in your next posts

    Lat-Am players face the same problems as European Players which for the most part are distance-lag and the language barrier.

    Unless you want to argue Lat-Am players enjoy playing laggy dungeons and pvp matches with people they don't understand.

    So i really have to wonder what your intentions for not wanting to seperate the two playerbases are.

    If you are really arguing with good intention towards the Lat-Am playerbase your only arguments should be what disadvantages this would bring for Lat-Am players.

    So far i see none as opposed to the two HUGE advantages i listed above that a seperate server would bring for Lat-Am players.

    In this case your crusade against rascism is actually doing more harm than good.