I sell full Henir IB Set Eve (no Cuffs)
I would also trade it against 7w Weapon/Accs (Ara) + ED
Just message me
Discord: CallMeDaddy#2398
I sell full Henir IB Set Eve (no Cuffs)
I would also trade it against 7w Weapon/Accs (Ara) + ED
Just message me
Discord: CallMeDaddy#2398
Today one of my turkish friends was wondering why he cant pay with his normal currency. (He thinks his english is not good enough for the forum, so he asked me to write a post in here.) Some other friends looked it up and have the same problem. Is this a bug? I cant check for myself because i mainly life in germany maybe somebody can help them? Im thankful for every answer
Have a good day!
Hay !
I sell my full Shaviana Truffles Set for Aisha~
Just message me
IG: Sneakii
I have a question^^
How much is the TT Laby Thorn worth? I can't see one on the board for any character.. so i have no idea
Pls write me a message IG: Sneakii or here
Thanks for the Replys but im About to quit elsword for a while. I dont need CS Sets anymore but im still seachring for the White Dragon Servius Hair (Rena).
Have an offer for Servius 2,2kkk without hair So im just searching for the Servius Hair Rena Right now! Pls pn me
Wieviel hast du dir denn für die sachen vorgestellt :D? Wäre cool wenn du für jedes teil einzelne preise nennen könntest, damit ich den gesamtpreis nachvollziehen kann
Bei den CS sets bin ich ebenfalls interessiert kannst mich ja mal adden und mir die Sets zeigen
(IG: Sneakii)
I'm looking for pretty CS sets for Rena (Just upload a pick in here and ill answer you!).
I'm also looking for White Dragon Servius Set Rena Just pn me with your price!
Im seaching for a +11 Scroll.
Just send me your offer IG : Sneakii or here (PM)
Open again^^ Pulled them another 2 times
So im selling 2x White Dragon Servius Horns Laby!
Too early push | Sierra
Sold for 1,4kkk
Close pls
Sell Servius Horns Laby
Sold ~ Close pls
I sell the White Dragon Servius Set Laby (FULL)
Just message me with your offer
Im seaching for the (i think the Name is) Summer Splash Top and Bottom for Rena (black)!
Pls send me a Massage In Game (Sneakii) or just write in here
Ich suche die Badekleidung für Rena (tiefschwarz,Oberteil und Beinkleid).
Bitte einfach In Game melden (Sneakii) oder hier
Picture :D <- Click
What is the Name of the set and how much do you want for it?
Ich bin Daybreaker mit 496k CP und suche eine Gruppe, die mich mit ihr die Main Waffe farmen lässt^^
Ich bezweifel zwar, jemanden zu finden, aber ihr könnt mir gerne hier oder IG schreiben
Grüße ~
IG: Sneakii