1.)You need 80% Maximize
2.)You need 80% Crit
3.) About the IB set Try to get 4/5 "no hair" Lord of other World "LoW"
4.) Your combo is good
5.) You need 200 Crit dmg
Unfortunately, I do not know any more
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1. No, 70% or 90% , 80% scales awfully
2. No, depends on your characters passives honestly (maybe its actually 80% for Dominator but i doubt a 5% critpassive, thats unlikely) 85% if no passive, with passives as low as 0%. (NI, Raven as exmaple)
3. Lord of Henir, that set is equal to BlackMass and costs 3times as much, not worth
5. ??? no ??? you dont ''NEED'' any % of critdamage, just get asmuch as you can
6. 20% movspeed it totally pointless, wasted stats dont do it, 20% attackspeed is quite okay on SOME characters its highly dependend how your skills scale on attack speed, yet again idk how that works for Add
7. ill add this just in case.. since Dakrai told you to farm Void, i highly advice NOT TO farm void. Just go with a good +9 Heroic weapon and save your money, you can go to 300k cp and start farming FoJ instead of waisting time and money on void, HOWEVER you can do the dailys to sell the shards for some good cash
8. regarding selling elyanode stones, due to current farming events almost everything expect for 2+/5* reinforcement stones everything is worth almost nothing, if you still wanna do the effort to get a little coin a quick guide whats worth to sell:
circle: critdmg, everything else trash
triangle: lv29, everything else worthless
hexagon: top: Polatize Attack/attacked 7,8.9,10,2+ %
bottom: party magical/physical attack 7,8,9,10,2+% (attackspeed 2+%) (dmg against bossmonsters 10%)
Gloves: AllSkillDamage any%-5*
Shoes: 7,8,9,10% dmg against bossmonsters
9. since i didnt mention it earlyer, after you reached 85 (or less if passive) % critrate and 70% (i'd advice that for your case) maximize, (and maybe 20% attackspeed if your skills scale with it, wich i dont know coz add weird), put the rest of your free sockets into BossDmg Sockets
You said Advanced Magic Stones... Can't find them on ElWiki...

10. DO NOT USE THOSE STONES, THEY SUCK. Only as a filler if you dont have the better ones wich you get daily for doing some Elya dungeons with give 1.5% more stats (or just use sagestones)
< Refined Magic stone