Posts by SuperNova
Hello, I'm SuperNova.
As you may have noticed, I am a Moderator.
Although many staff members come and go, I have no intentions of quitting.
I became Trial Moderator around the end of April 2019, announced on 29.04.2019 [Here]
On 29.05.2019 I was promoted to Moderator announced [Here]
About me:
My name is SuperNova and I'm 18 years old.
I'm from Germany
I love cats and dogs.
Favorite Food: noodles and Cupcakes c:
Favorite drink: Water and cola
Personal Info:
I'll talk a bit about myself.
If there's one thing you should know about me, it's honesty.
We're all human and no one is perfect. However; I believe honesty is a choice we make, you don't have to lie.
If you've done something and you're honest to me then there's a high chance I'll personally forgive you.
I'd also like to say that I don't tolerate Liars or Rulebreakers of any kind.
Info: I do not have an EU ingame account, so be careful that no one is kidding you!
If that changes I update it.
Close please, due to „future updates“, I won’t need them anymore :3
Since the problem is solved I'm closing this
Can be closed
just wait for add dungeon changes and you'll get it first try
What changes?
Slow-motion clear effect has been removed from Add's Energy Fusion Theory Dungeon
Purchased, Thread can be closed.