Posts by Trooki

    Almeno adesso trovo uno scopo al forum..

    Dato che prima il forum italiano per me era semplicemente inutile

    dato che secono me ci stavano pochissime persone,ed era anche noioso dover farsi diversi

    account per vedere cosa vendevano le persone di altri paesi.

    Esteticamente è anche più bellino,mi sembra moderno (?)

    Il forum italiano mi sembrava..uhm esteticamente parlando vecchio?!

    yea delete raven tyvm kog

    love you

    As far as I know the cooldown exists due to server performance. It can't keep up if everyone ups rapidly

    oh i see..

    it can be a reason,but maybe if they won't remove the cooldown

    just decrease it? like i feel bad that i've to wait 30 sec for level-

    maybe decrease it to 10 seconds?

    Basically my suggestion is


    I'd suggest to remove the cooldown.

    It's really boring that you have to wait 30 seconds until you can use the scroll again

    it has no sense, in lower level you'd be faster if you just spam dungeon instead of waiting that cooldown.

    And as i heard that's not only for me

    a lot of people are blaming this cooldowns and find it boring

    So why don't you leave this cooldown?If you can't maybe tell us the motivation? ;-;

    Anyway thanks to people that will reply and support me for this suggestion!:bleeding:


    Hello guys!

    Welcome to my thread:spacerabbit:

    I'm trying to finish my collection of Aisha's ibs:aishangry:

    But sadly i'm at the start of it!

    So if you'll help be finishing it will be awesome!

    But,before note that i'm not going to overpay for set that are missing!

    And please don't harass me ty!:phoruclaus:

    ☼Low Priority ☼

    §Medium Priority§

    ‼High Priority‼



    ☼AA Full☼

    ☼EO Full☼

    ☼NBS Full☼

    ☼AD Full☼

    ☼VIG Full☼

    ☼RM Full☼

    ☼ET1 Full☼

    ☼SD Ful☼


    ☼DY No Spirit☼

    ☼RB Full☼

    ☼DK Full☼

    ☼HU Full☼

    ☼DS Full☼

    ☼SE Full☼

    ☼GP Full☼

    ☼GoF Full☼

    ☼NB-MK2 Full☼

    ☼SV Full☼

    §IgC Full§

    ☼ET2 Full☼

    §Navy White/Black Full§

    ☼TnT Full☼

    ‼MA Hat‼

    ☼MF/b Full☼

    ☼SG Full☼

    ☼VAK Full☼

    ☼MQ Full☼

    ☼LoH Weap+Accessories☼

    ‼PK (New Accessory)‼


    §CM Full§

    ‼SR 5/5:rankstar‼



    ‼SrV Top&Bottom‼



    :chocolate:Thanks for visiting my shop and i hope that you didin't waste ur time!:chocolate:

    See you next time!:hallomodule:


    Hello guys!

    Welcome to my thread~

    As the title says,i'm buying EC 200k Each

    Not paying more than this rate,so if you want higher rate don't PM me

    Have a nice day!

    ~Death is like the wind,always is by my side~
