Dear players,
Time is UP! We will provide you more information within the next few hours.
Thank you!
Dear players,
Time is UP! We will provide you more information within the next few hours.
Thank you!
Dear players,
Time is UP! We will provide you more information within the next few hours.
Thank you!
Dear players,
Time is UP! We will provide you more information within the next few hours.
Thank you!
Dear players,
Time is UP! We will provide you more information within the next few hours.
Thank you!
Dear players,
Time is UP! We will provide you more information within the next few hours.
Thank you!
Dear players,
Time is UP! We will provide you more information within the next few hours.
Thank you!
Dear players,
Prizes have been delivered now.
Enjoy them!
Your Elsword Team
Drodzy gracze!
Jak już prawdopodobnie wiecie, nie będzie więcej puzzli. Pamiętajcie, że nadal możecie wysyłać ułożone puzzle (jeśli, którychś nie wysłałeś lub pominąłeś) do 10.04.19 23.59 CET.
Po tym terminie opublikujemy ranking, więc skontrolujcie czy Wasze daty są poprawne (Mogą zdarzyć się pomyłki!)
Dziękujemy wszystkim za udział!
Wasz Elsword Team
Dear players!
As you might already know, there won't be more puzzles. Remember that you still can submit your puzzles (if you are missing some of them) until 10.04.19 23.59 CET.
After this date, we will post the ranking so you can check that your dates are correct (Mistakes can happen!)
Thank you all for participating!
Your Elsword Team
Dear players!
As you might already know, there won't be more puzzles. Remember that you still can submit your puzzles (if you are missing some of them) until 10.04.19 23.59 CET.
After this date, we will post the ranking so you can check that your dates are correct (Mistakes can happen!)
Thank you all for participating!
Your Elsword Team
Dear players!
As you might already know, there won't be more puzzles. Remember that you still can submit your puzzles (if you are missing some of them) until 10.04.19 23.59 CET.
After this date, we will post the ranking so you can check that your dates are correct (Mistakes can happen!)
Thank you all for participating!
Your Elsword Team
Dear players!
As you might already know, there won't be more puzzles. Remember that you still can submit your puzzles (if you are missing some of them) until 10.04.19 23.59 CET.
After this date, we will post the ranking so you can check that your dates are correct (Mistakes can happen!)
Thank you all for participating!
Your Elsword Team
Dear players!
As you might already know, there won't be more puzzles. Remember that you still can submit your puzzles (if you are missing some of them) until 10.04.19 23.59 CET.
After this date, we will post the ranking so you can check that your dates are correct (Mistakes can happen!)
Thank you all for participating!
Your Elsword Team
Dear players,
Time is UP! We will provide you with more information within the next few hours.
Thank you!
Drodzy gracze,
czternaste puzzle są już dostępne!
Kliknij tutaj, aby ułożyć 14. puzzle!
Krok pierwszy | Krok drugi | Krok trzeci |
Kliknij link z ostatniego postu, aby otworzyć puzzle. | Ułóż puzzle. Wskazówka: System pozwala uzyskać pomoc w razie potrzeby. Sprawdź menu, aby odkryć takie opcje! |
Utwórz nową rozmowę (kliknij tutaj) dołączając zrzut ekranu po zakończeniu układanki. Uwaga:Zabrania się edytowania wysyłanych obrazów. |
Dear players,
Fourteenth puzzle is available now!
Click here to start 14th puzzle.
Primo passo |
Secondo passo |
Terzo passo |
clicca sul link dell'ultimo post per ottenere il puzzle |
Completa il puzzle. SUGGERIMENTO: Il sistema permette di ottenere aiuto se necessario. Controlla il menù per scopire queste opzioni! |
Crea una nuova conversazione (CLICCA QUI) allegando uno screenshot con il puzzle completato Nota: è vietato modificare l'immagine fornita. |
Queridos jugadores,
El decimocuarto puzzle acaba de ser publicado.
Haz click aquí y completa el decimocuarto puzzle.
Primer paso | Segundo paso | Tercer paso |
Clica en el enlace del último post para obtener el puzzle. | Completa el puzzle. PISTA: El sistema te permite obtener ayuda si lo necesitases. ¡Échale un vistazo al menú para explorar las opciones! |
Crea una nueva conversación (Clica aquí) y adjunta la captura de pantalla cuando el puzzle esté acabado. Nota: Está prohibido editar las imágenes que nos mandéis. |
Dear players,
Fourteenth puzzle is available now!
Click here to start 14th puzzle.
Première étape | Deuxième étape | Troisième étape |
Cliquez sur le lien du dernier post pour accéder au puzzle. | Complétez le puzzle. INDICE: Le système vous autorise à avoir de l'aide si vous en avez besoin. Regardez le menu pour avoir accès à cette option. |
Créez une nouvelle conversation (Cliquez ici) et mettez en pièce jointe le screenshot du puzzle une fois qu'il aura été complété. Note: Il est interdit d'éditer les images que vous fournissez. |
Dear players,
Fourteenth puzzle is available now!
Click here to start 14th puzzle.
Erster Schritt | Zweiter Schritt | Dritter Schritt |
Klick auf den Link vom letzten Post um zum Puzzle zu kommen. | Löse das Puzzle Tipp: Das System ermöglicht es dir bei Bedarf Hilfe zu erhalten. Im Menü findest du solche Optionen! |
Starte eine neue Konversation (Hier Klicken) und hänge einen Screenshot an wo man sieht das das Puzzle gelöst wurde. Note: Es ist verboten den Screen zu bearbeiten. |
Fertiges Bild / Anzahl der Teile / Prozentanzeige