Je vois que Raxus connait les bonnes chaînes, et oui Anti a du sang Alger et Cthulluh. L'être ultime du 1V1 qui parle polonais pour te perturber.
Posts by Frohe Magnolia
Raxus I need translation
Since i got to try Spanish in like 8th grade (which is 5 yrs later than English) it was completely different, and if you couldn't figure out the basics fast you didn't rly learn that much about this language..
To be fair, that's mostly because class-teaching is annoying as fuck and not very effective. You won't learn a language without the need/motivation and english fits the bill. When i was living in Spain with italians and a german they didn't speak spanish at all, but they progressively got better.
Anyway, i'm not judging you everyone has its preferences, I was just nitpicking ♪
Probably because you're from the same language family. Or maybe because you have a lot more exposure.
In order to learn a language you need a lot of time, effort and exposure. English, as a lingua franca, can fill those requierement.
Spanish/French/Italian languages are easier in many aspects, and harder in others. But since they are not as exposed you would have an harder time to learn them.
QuoteAnd from the tenses, its pretty sorted, unlike in spanish - there you have 3000 exceptions in the tenses and timemanagement, where you get super confused...
Spanish tense are pretty simple. Well, most of them. But it greatly depends on your mother tongue
No. English is pretty hard contrary to what a lot of people think. The easiest language won't be something as messed up as english.
Y a pas de quoi
Par contre j'ai l'impression qu'ils me prennent trop au sérieux, c'mauvais ça
Nothing can be harder than algebra Raxus
That's a [ç] sound, the spanish [x] comes from it.
Anyway, i'm proud to say i can read german word. I'm not the most fluent person but i can
Quotei mean. you also picked some extremely hard words... of course there is easier stuff to say. but i probably agree - from what i've heard, learning german is a pain in the ... butt.
I'm trolling mein freund, don't take it seriously
I know, i'm just shitposting don't worry.
But you'll agree that german is probably your throat's greatest foe
It's mainstream nowaday
No, not even Austrian/German can. It's a lie, they're faking it. Speaking german is like chanting the necronomicon : you can't. And yes, you can summon elder gods with such a demonic language.
Nobody can. According to the legend, the last one who tried ended up caughing blood.
Go les taunts avec ça Eruru
J'arrive en renfort Raxus
What a beautiful language
Raxus envoie les liens !
Anti et Coco qui parlent dans une langue compréhensible mais qu'est-ce que...?
Tu t'es fais honteusement volé la chasse la dernière fois
ils n'ont jamais existé
envoie les liens
Traduction "viens te faire péter le cul shibi"