Are you looking for edits or artworks? If art, i can maybe help out!
Posts by Cherryblood
I alr posted this in Gallery but noone looks there 😅 So i hope its ok to post this here. I found this rly old eve fanart i did years ago - and i would like to redraw it, but wish to look at the reference i had back then first! The problem is i cant find that set i did fanart of 😣 I think it was an kr exclusive set, at least when i still played it wasnt in EU. I just saw a screenshot somewhere :c
I'd be really happy if someone could help me find it, thanks in advance 💕
Here's the pic:
Hey everyone, i've stumbled upon this extremely old eve fanart i did and want to redraw it- now, for reference reasons, i'd love to look at the set i did in the drawing- the problem is i cant find it 😂😭 I think it was a set that didn't make it to eu? At least when i still played, it wasn't available. I just saw a sceeenshot of it somewhere once.
I'd be really happy if someone could help me find it! ✨
Ich bin seit Jahren das erste mal wieder im Forum, els habe ich schon lang gequittet, aber an deinen Namen erinner ich mich war da nicht früher ein "x" davor?
Ich hätte auch Lust mal wieder ins Game reinzuschnuppern, da ich aber damals meinen Account verkauft habe (bockt mich ned ob der jetzt gesperrt wird, gehört mir eh ned mehr und der Dude nutzt ihn ned, what u gonna do, staff team) hab' ich keine Lust alles von neuem aufzubauen xD ich hoffe, du findest wieder Freude am Spiel- bezweifle jedoch auch, dass es jemals wieder so sein wird wie früher :')
Cherryblood aka Kisuu aka Paenitentiam aka Eyx
Ok so i just found this 2 year old edit i did trying to make aisha look like SS Harley and y'all can shit on me now for being a cringy teen back then but i still think I DID P WELL OK
Selling everything that's displayed here. I'm only taking offers, i'm not making them. If you DM me asking for a price, i won't reply.
^das erste gute was ich hier sehe omg
Oh muddi ich hab's echt voll verlernt mit den Kombis