Buy 7x 1.100 Coins -270k/Coin

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  • [DE] Ich suche entweder 7.700 Coins auf einmal oder 1.100 Coins (oder 2.200, 3.300 usw.) einzeln.

    Das gewünschte Item ist "Oh wie warm! Frost-Igel-Polsterpaket" für verschiedene Charaktere.

    Ich zahle 270k pro Coin, also 297kk pro Paket.

    Die Pakete sollen per Geschenkfunktion an mich verschenkt werden (kein Privathandel) und es wird vor/nach jedem Paket einzeln bezahlt.

    Meldet euch am besten per Konversation bei mir, wenn ihr mir welche verkaufen wollt.

    [ENG] I want to buy 7.700 Coins at once or 1.100 Coins (or 2.200, 3.300...) separately.

    The wanted Item is "Oh, how cosy! Frost Hedgehog Cushion Pack" for different characters.

    I pay 270k per Coin - 297kk per pack.

    I want to receive the packs only via gift function (no private trade) and pay before/after each pack separately.

    Start a conversation with me if you want to sell me one or more of the packs.

    Edited 2 times, last by Nine ().

  • Thread closed on request.

    RekSama if you want to comment something please do it through PM since these kind of posts are not allowed here.

    Have a nice day!

    ╮~ zCTTkiM.jpg ~╭

    This Pokémon has the habit of hugging its companions. Many Trainers have left this world after their spines were squashed by its hug.

    Bewear - Moon Edition