Title says everything, please tell me your price.
Selling +11 Upgrade Scroll
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- Upgrade Scroll Lv.11
- Hitsukora
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Hey, do you have a Offer?
I'm actually not sure how much I will ask for, since the +11 armor scrolls sell for like 5b and they are supposed to be a bit cheaper.
Lets say around 7b?
What is your ingame name?
What is your ingame name?
+11 Is worth at least 4-5b don't buy that for 7b really,you can see cheaper on megaphones tbh
+11 Is worth at least 4-5b don't buy that for 7b really,you can see cheaper on megaphones tbh
Thats why I saw some ppl buy the armor scroll buying for 5b, if you dont think its worth that much, okay, you dont have to buy it.
+11 Is worth at least 4-5b don't buy that for 7b really,you can see cheaper on megaphones tbh
Thats why I saw some ppl buy the armor scroll buying for 5b, if you dont think its worth that much, okay, you dont have to buy it.
Atm +11 armour was sold for 3b on megaphone,i didin't see where u saw 5b but okay,anyway just warming him that he can find for a cheaper price
This is not the purpose of this channel though, if you dont agree with a price, dont buy it, thats it. This thread is not made for your opinion if you dont want to buy it for yourself, which you clearly dont want.
I dont mind to think about my price, at least, if a potential buyer asks me to.
Also please post evidence, I havent seen a single person selling it for 3b, maybe you are just angered by some personal issues with me?
Anyway this isnt a post in the estimate thread.
I know that this isn't estimate thread,just warming people
I don't think that he would be happy after loosing 2b or more.
Why,i'd like to offer 1b for this +11 :'3
If you don't like then rip :c
Or let me put it like this, please do not ever enter any of my threads again, I have no interest whatsoever to make a trade with you.
So if you're done now trying to mock me because we have some personal issues please leave.
So more than 4,5b i don’t pay .
Sorry, wont sell it for that low, but gl
Its okay , but with 7b Gl too
Thread can be closed o/
Hello all!
Trooki spam and doublepost are not allowed in this section. Please keep this in mind in the future. If you want to give your opinion use PMs, but anyway everyone is free to sell their items at the price they think it fits better. You can have a different opinion of course, but that's not a reason to come here and spam that
Thread closed on request.