Rena stuff
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- Sun
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We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
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hey sun
ich bin mir nicht 100%ig sicher aber ich glaub das blaue kleriker bk ist noch im coinshop zu haben
hii, danke ich weiss nur ha ich keine coins :'D
sun stinkt nach apfelkot
HelpImLost du stinkst nach aprikosenkot :c
i'll buy you're weap ET3 800kk + seal
Bitte führt private Gespräche doch via Konversation weiter.
i'll buy you're weap ET3 800kk + seal
sry Tizee i only got ET1
Still searching for Rena:
1. Full Elpheus
2.Et3 Weapon
3.Royal Maid Blue Top Acc ad Top
pm me
you don't answer me at the post where you Sell many items i wait since 4/5 days....
ehh? wich post idk owo
Rena : You Sell Many items, i ask you how you sell you're weapon ET3 you tell me 800KK+ seal ans i ask you if you have an other items
ohh i understand et1 sry
So Send me you're discord or add Janelia IG Thx
why i dont have o:
i only have et1
I need Weapon Et1 ! :o and many other items you sell !
Spam | Haruki