I sell:
Full Masquerade 3,5kkk
Full Caligo 3.9kkk
Full Glacial (no ear rings) 1.6kkk
4/4 Elpheus 1.8kkk
5/5 Rossou 1.2kkk
5/5 Henir 1.9kkk
5/5 Thanatos 550kk
5/5 Ventus 800kk
5/5 Hamel Navy Officer (White) 700kk
Cape Hamel Navy Officer (White) 1kkk
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salut pour le 5/5 henir c'est les accessoire?
lets say 1,2b henir and im in cuz somebody sells it for 1,2 bro 1,9 is too overpriced
Somebody? Take it from him so
so u dont want my money then? aight np
And btw i didnt buyed it yet cuz he didnt relied yet duh so if u want my ED then tell me
Hey, you still sell Salvatore Rossou 5/5 ?
No, sorry
Hi , 5/5 Thanatos is still available?
Full Glacial still there ?
5/5 HNO still buyable? it's hair or with hat?
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