want to sell some stuff
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How much for unicorn ??
I was thinking around 900kk for 5/5 :\
you can make a different offer tho! -
800kk ??
do you have a price for the christmas ava hair-shoes?
800kk ??
hmm idk. how about 850 and you seal it?
do you have a price for the christmas ava hair-shoes?
tbh. i don't... I have no idea for how much I should sell it. Maybe around 600kk or so.
feel free to make me an offer!
800kk ??
hmm idk. how about 850 and you seal it ?
um, sorry but i buyed 4/5 unicorn
well, if u want i can buy hair for 160kk
well, if u want i can buy hair for 160kk
no thank you.
okay, gl then
*adding a Royal Dignity Cape
heyy i would like to buy this bottom..do you have a price annd how much for the unicorn hairs
heyy i would like to buy this bottom..do you have a price annd how much for the unicorn hairs
this bottom idk maybe 300kk if you seal.
The Hair idk. maybe 800kk (apparently they are worth more then i originally thought)
*also trade for Elesis stuff (depending on the Items)