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Rena Belder sold.
Trading for the new IB pieces for Rose/Aisha/Ara
Easterbunny Aisha white/black
Chess Cape Ara/Eve
Ara MR Seal / D&D Dial
Rose Dawn Dial
LoH Rena (no new accs)
trading for the new IB pieces for Eve
or IM/CS Eve
Ara MR Seal / D&D Dial
Rose Dawn Dial
LoH Rena (no new accs)
trading for the new IB pieces for Eve
or IM/CS Eve
+ Maid Headpiece+Helper black Rena
+MR Seal/AD Wings/ChessEarring+Cape Ara
+Dusk Dial Rose
+Chess Cape Aisha
+ Maid Headpiece+Helper black/LoH (no new accs)/SM Hair/AD 4/5 Rena
trade everything for Eve
pm me with ur offer
+ Glamour Cats Rena blue 5/5
+Phantasieaka. pink Top+Bottom
+ 2x Staff Chess
+ 2x Chess/Killerpunk red Staff
+PopIdol light blue/Butterfly Hair Rena
+MR Seal/AD Wings Ara
+Offi Cape Aisha
trade for Eve Stuff
pm + OFFER
u seal
how much for this one? (Without the 2' weap against thr shoes i mean)
+ 2x Chess Staff/Offi Cape Aisha
+PopIdol light blue/Butterfly Hair/old Nasod 4/5/ LoH Accs(no new accs)+Hair Rena
+AD Wings Ara
trade for Aisha/Ara Stuff (mostly cs)
pm + OFFER
u seal