S: Elrianode stones

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  • Sell Elrianode Stones:


    _Top: level 24

    _Glove: Eschaton +10% Lu/Ciel

    _Glove: Crossmore +8% Rose

    _Shoes: Blatt Blume +9% Ain


    _Top: Juggernaunt Buster +9% Elesis

    _Top: Space Wrench +10% Eve

    _Bottom: Gropu Defense +8%


    _Top: level 24

    _Top: Critical Damage 2%

    _Top: level 22

    _Top: Ignition Crow - Incinerator +11% Raven

    _Top: Speed Attack +501

    _Bottom: Deadly Shot +11% Cung

    _Bottom : Group Magik Attack +10%

    _Glove: level 26

    _Glove: Rising Slash +10% Elsword

    Buyer seal

    Contact me in forum or PM with offer ^^