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  • Elsword Forum’s App 11

    The result is only visible to the participants.

    Hello there,

    I would like to share with you an idea that I’m thinking about since a few years already.

    I love follow the community’s life and the topicalities about the game so I’m often online on the forum.

    However, I don’t always have my computer when I want to connect myself so I’m using my phone to do it and this why I had the idea to ask if it was possible to create an application for the phone.

    I know that someone would like to answer that we can use the website, but this exactly why I’m making this suggestion today : the interface is not really convenient on phones. It’s especially the case when we are writing for instance (even with a borderless screen).

    Here’s a proof :

    Screen capture

    As you can see, it’s not really convenient if I want to insert an emoticon, a link or underline a sentence (et cetera) unlike on computer.

    So it could be great to have an application which redirected us to an optimized forum’s version for phone users.

    Virtues of the phone :

    -Easier to bear than a PC

    -Faster to use

    -You can use it wherever and whenever you want (useful to update trade/guilds threads)


    These are another reasons which prove that an application could be really useful.

    This is my first suggestion, thanks for reading ~

    Have a nice day! :saint:


    I want you to join the fight against the raclette!

  • I didn’t think about the ads! It’s annoying :freeze:

    But I’m still thinking that it would stay faster than the website. To my mind, we could juste have one advertissement while the app is lauching :/ it’s the case with a lot of nowadays’ apps.


    I want you to join the fight against the raclette!

  • There is a modern concept called Progressive Web Apps that allow users to "install Websites" as Apps on their phone. It was proposed by Google, you can read it here:


    However, this forum isn't made by GF and they have made it pretty clear that they do not intent to change it. Installing Plug-ins is already a no go. This isn't even the actual finished style theme. The real one is still "in development". Overall, there is a very low chance anything is done unless WortLab itself provides said feature per default.

    Of course I would like at least better layout for mobile devices as well.

    Quote of the Year 2017

    "Roses are red, yellow are ducks. It's 2017 and JS still sucks."

  • That's not the point I was making. The point is, that the app would just render the site a bit more nicely, which is the exact same thing you could do on a mobile browser by "correctly" using CSS. You don't need an individual app for all of your different platforms, even though that is exactly what those platforms are trying to sell, because doing so they can restrict you to their platform and collect money on the way. What you need is a sufficiently good experience with a mobile browser and that can be achieved by optimizing the site for mobile browsers.