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★ New Region and Dungeon Update – Serpentium
Added the new Serpentium region and the Mirage City, Robofoundry and Madame Corae’s Garden dungeons.
* You can enter Serpentium by playing through the Enter Serpentium epic quest.
★ New Area – Meeting Point: Basteel Base
- Once you’ve played through the [Epic] Enter Serpentium quest you can use the CoBo Teleport Service or the portal on the right side of the map for Magmelia.
- You receive the Search Party’s Determination buff when waiting at the meeting point.
▣ New Dungeons: Mirage City, Robofoundry and Madame Corae’s Garden
Entry Requirements
Demon World Debuff
Mirage City
Lv. 99
Min. Battle Strength: 9,000,000
Min. Tenebrous armour
1 to 4
Madame Corae’s Garden
Lv. 99
Min. Battle Strength: 10,000,000
Min. Tenebrous armour
* In order to enter Madame Corae’s Garden, you need the admission ticket (Serpentium Transponder Chip).
* Serpentium Transponder Chips can be earned as special daily rewards in Serpentium dungeons.★ New Gear: Exascale Armour
▣ New Exascale Armour
A new metal has been discovered in the Kingdom of the Steel Demons. Once it has been refined, it can be used to craft the new Exascale armour.
Exascale armour can be acquired directly from epic quests. Alternatively you can collect Circuit Fragments and have Haivan craft the Exascale armour at Meeting Point: Basteel Base.
* Circuit Fragments are available by dismantling Amplified Circuits and System Chips.
▣ Forging Exascale ArmourForging the New Exascale Armour
Forging can be used to strengthen Exascale armour. The armour’s stats increase and additional forging effects added depending on the forging level.
Forging is possible with every blacksmith NPC in the village.
Refined Exacon or Chetrium Steel can be used as forging materials.
Refined Exacon
Loot in Serpentium dungeons or reward for daily quests in Serpentium dungeons
Chetrium Steel
Loot in Serpentium dungeons
Magic Crystals
Completing dungeons or dismantling equipment
* The system is identical to the existing forging system apart from the materials and effects available per forging level.
Forging Level Transfer
The forging level of Tenebrous armour can transferred to Exascale armour.
Tenebrous armour with forging level 18 and above can be used for transfers to armour of the same type.
There are two types of forging level transfer: normal and special.
Forging Level Transfer
Forging Level Transfer (normal)
Transfer the armour’s forging level using Refined Exacon, Chetrium Steel, Magic Crystals and ED.
The higher the forging level, the greater the amounts required.
Forging Level Transfer (special)
Transfer the armour’s forging level using Level Transfer Tickets, Magic Crystals and ED.
The higher the forging level, the greater the amounts required.
Level Transfer Tickets are available in the item shop.
Depending on the forging level, the materials needed may vary. The transferred forging level will be 6 levels lower than the original.
(For example, if you perform the transfer using Tenebrous armour with forging level 18, the Exascale armour will receive forging level 12.)
▣ Chip Overclocking
Participate in raids to loot unsealed system chips. These chips can be overclocked by Haivan at Meeting Point: Basteel Base.
Overclocked system chips can be installed in the new armour.
* Only system chips with 0 remaining overclocks can be installed.
* Only unsealed system chips can be overclocked and/or installed.
* System chips can be installed over the top of previously installed chips.
Overclocking Guide
Each click of the Overclock button can result in success or failure.
* Each overclocking attempt costs ED.
* Overclocking has a maximum success rate of 70% and a minimum of 30%.
Successful Overclock
Failed Overclock
- Increases effect stats
- Reduces overclock attempts -1
- Next overclock attempt success rate -10%
- Decreases effect stats
- Reduces overclock attempts -1
- Next overclock attempt success rate +10%
▣ Amplified Circuits
These are available in dungeons and the item shop. In the Circuit Expansion menu you can install amplified circuits to the new armour.
Amplified circuits differ in colour, shape, area and effect.
1) ColourIf you only use circuits with the same colour, then the colour effect will be activated in that respective area. If you activate the same set colour in 4 armour areas, this will trigger a set effect.
Set Effect
Compute (Red)
Adaptability +2% (max. 55%)Buff: Group member crit. damage +10% (Does not stack.)
Every time you use a Strength or Transcendence skill, you receive the Logic buff for 30 seconds (stackable max. 40x).
After reaching 40 stacks of Logic, you receive the Generate effect.
Logic: Attack/magic attack: +0.5% per stack
Generate: Press the Item Special button to remove all Logic stacks and exchange them for the Reset effect for 5 seconds.
Reset: Increases master/hyper skill damage by 500% and reduces regenerative potion effects by 50%. Cannot receive the Logic buff.Cycle (Blue)
Adaptability +2% (max. 55%)
Buff: Group member crit. damage +10% (Does not stack.)
Upon entering the dungeon, you receive the Flow effect.
If you have the Flow effect when the skill cooldown reset triggers, you receive the Resist effect for 30 seconds.
If you have the Resist effect when the skill cooldown reset triggers, you receive the Flow effect for 30 seconds.
Flow: Chance to reset skill cooldown: +5%; Special active skill cooldown speed: +20%
Resist: Chance to reset skill cooldown: +10%; All skill damage +12%
Restore (Green)
Adaptability +2% (max. 55%)
Buff: Group member attack +10% (Does not stack.)
Buff: Group member magic attack +10% (Does not stack.)
At the start of the dungeon you receive the Repair effect for 60 seconds.
Afterwards the effect is replaced with Bridge.
If you press the Item Special button while Bridge is active, you receive the Complete effect for 5 seconds.
Afterwards you receive the Repair effect for 60 seconds.
Repair: Damage taken -12%
Bridge: Once activated, nearby allies receive 1-time shield equal to 30% of max. HP. (Shield duration: 10 seconds)
Complete: Nearby allies’ Transcendence skill slot cooldown is changed to 1 second for 5 seconds.
(Complete cooldown: 60 seconds)
* The default key for using items (right shift) is used for the Item Special.
Restore Set Effect
- If the Complete buff is active, the cooldown reduction is not applied to the skill in the Transcendence skill slot.
Overview of Complete Buff Effects
Increases skill cooldown
Reduces skill cooldown
Accelerates skill cooldown
Resets skill cooldown
The Complete buff comes with sound and special effects.2) ShapeCircuits can be added according to their shape.* They cannot be rotated.
Shape 1
Shape 2
Shape 3
Shape 4
Type I
Type L
Type T
3) Area
Circuits can only be added to the appropriate armour slot (top, legs, gloves, shoes).
4) Effect
Effects are applied if a circuit is joined up without any breaks.
Circuit Expansion Guide
Visit Haivan at Basteel Base to insert circuits into your armour.
1) Circuit Board
Your circuits can be added to this board, which is divided into sections for top, legs, gloves and shoes.
- You can view details about the installed circuits by hovering over them with the mouse.
2) Active Effects
Shows the total effects of all the active circuits.
3) Available Circuits
- Shows details about the circuits available in your inventory.
It only shows circuits for the current equipment area.
- Right-click on a circuit to select it, then left-click a specific section to install the circuit into.
4) Undo/Apply
- Once the circuit is inserted but not yet connected, you can use the Undo or Apply buttons as desired.★ System Chip Reset Ticket
The newly added System Chip Reset Ticket can be used to reset the overclock level of T.E.S. System Chips.
System Chip Reset Tickets are drop rewards in the Serpentium raid. They can also be purchased in the item shop.
* A System Chip Reset Ticket can be used up to three times on a T.E.S. System Chip.★ Changes to Guild Master Delegation
In future it is necessary to enter manual confirmation when delegating the guild master.
★ Characters
1. Master Tailor Hairstyles can now be dyed.
Affected Items
Elsword – Noah
Master Tailor Hairstyle (classic)
Elsword – Noah
Master Tailor Hairstyle (modern)
2. Henir Master Hairstyles can now be dyed.
Affected Items
Elsword – Noah
Henir Master Hairstyle
3. Fixed an issue where the Transcendence class change quest would not appear after completing the quests for the 2nd class change.
4. Fixed an issue where the following skills with the ‘Increased combo and active skill damage’ effect caused increased damage beyond the designated number of hits.
Affected Skills
Mutant Blade
Crown of Thorns
Nasod Avenger
Gold Dust Aura
Grand Master
War Prelude
Sword Oath
Mighty Miner
Hyperpowered Pickaxe
Cynical Sneer
Lucky Number
Fixed an issue with how unnaturally the weapon was held with the MAZE Reset and MAZE Reset (Bonus Dance) outfits.
Fixed Aisha’s skin colour changing when wearing certain avatars.
Fixed an issue with avatars which change the appearance of her Nasod hand, whereby its appearance would look like before using Power Boost after switching titles.
Fixed graphical issues with the hairstyle of [MEGA CAKE] My Dear Sweet (Bonus Dance).
Nasod Battle Seraph
The Eldrit Crystal Spectrum skill now works again without issue.
Dius Aer
If Power Boost was triggered by an item or skill while wearing the Ring of Fury, only the time for the 1st Power Boost would be applied.
Fixed graphical issues around the neck when wearing the [Summer Look] Beach Bikini Top.
Red Avenger
Time Stop was not applied correctly when using Crimson Explosion.
In certain instances, attacks which consume DP in Dynamo Mode would not consume them correctly.
The freeze duration of Install – Null Kelvin Generator was not applied correctly in PvP.
1. DP was not regenerated when using [Switch] Moonlight Breaker.
2. The Moonlight Rhapsody and Transcend Time buffs were both displayed in the first buff slot.
The hat decoration was not displayed properly when wearing the Universe Hotelier Bonus Hairstyle.
The correct character portrait is displayed again in the dungeon results window.
The correct character portrait is displayed again in the dungeon results window.
The last portion of the help text in the tutorial dungeon has been removed.
Removed: Hit enemies are Groggy.
Legs are now displayed correctly when wearing Sweet Dream Shoes.
1. The Sling effect now works again properly in certain locations.
2. Fixed graphical issues when wearing ELS Spring Rain Shoes.
3. The list of avatar set effects for Elstar Trainee showed Aranka’s set avatar even when it was not yet available.
Greedy Wonder
The Right Choice effect is now correctly calculated and applied on the basis of skill level.
★ Dungeon/PvP/Field
Characters no longer get frozen in certain situations when jump attacking in Hunter’s Trap.
★ Items
1. When group members receive various buffs from item effects, the one with the highest value will now always be applied.2. The two-person seat is now shown correctly when using Serenade of Promise – Duet.
3. Set effect icons are now displayed correctly for Tenebrous and Exascale armour.
4. The ‘All resistances are reduced’ effect on Exascale chip effects now also applies to darkness resistance.
★ Other
1. After editing your character name, the new nickname will now be shown immediately in the pop-up for Seonbae, Let’s Raid! after logging in.2. You can now register up to 12,000 appearances in the Magic Wardrobe (previously 10,000).
3. The title effects of the Contract of Downfall have been changed as follows:
* Crit. hits drop to 0 but when attacking you have an 11% chance to receive the Downfall buff for 8 seconds.
(With the Downfall buff, all attacks count as critical hits and critical damage increases by 50%.)
* Crit. hits drop to 0 but when attacking you have an 11% chance to receive the Downfall buff for 8 seconds.
(With the Downfall buff, all attacks count as critical hits and critical damage increases by 50%. Removing the title removes the buff.)
4. After applying an alternate movement which hides the weapon appearance, then changing to an alternate movement which shows the weapon again, all weapon effects are applied correctly.5. When waiting for the practice battle, the switch button works again correctly when viewing Lu/Ciel.
6. The untradeable Secret Breaker title can no longer erroneously be added to the Trading House.7. Using an Expedition Elixir now correctly applies High Knight’s Armageddon Blade buff.
8. The dungeon window now correctly shows the optimum number of players for El’s Tree.
9. The dungeon window now correctly shows the optimum number of players for Warped Time-Space – Peak of Parman.10. All interactions in the EL House’s bed now work correctly even with Harnie’s Nocturn equipped.
11. Selecting gear of the highest forging level with blacksmith NPCs no longer shows the 10% discount.12. Starting a Guild Expedition no longer shows information for the previous level.
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