Sell Rose Stuff
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We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
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Do you still have the Masquerade Hair for rose?
Do you still have the Masquerade Hair for rose?
I would like to buy it. What about 110kk + seal + hanger removal? we can negotiate too
I would like to buy it. What about 110kk + seal + hanger removal? we can negotiate too
That sounds good. When do you want to buy them in game?
Awesome! yes I'm ingame right now
Awesome! yes I'm ingame right now
How long are you online today? I do not know when my husband releases the computer
I can be online for the rest of the day or just let me know here once you're online. I can access the game anytime.
I can be online for the rest of the day or just let me know here once you're online. I can access the game anytime.
Now I can come online
Sorry I was afk
Will go meet you