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Update: Rena’s 4th Path
Rena’s 4th path is finally being released! – Listen to the tale as the Prophetess sings.
* Poetic Ranger – Tale Spinner – Prophetess
Introduction: Commune with the spirits, then use and combine their powers to help people in need and guide them wisely.
- Attack type: magic attack
- Range: long-range
★ Eldrit Seeker Collection for Rena’s 4th Path
- Added the collection for Rena’s 4th path.
- Synergy attributes will be added later.
The Collection for Rena’s 4th Path
Collection Level
Collection Effect
Level 1
All skill damage +0.5%
Level 2
All skill damage +0.75%
Level 3
All skill damage +1%
★ Improvements to the Trading Bulletin Board
The announced overhaul of the Trading Bulletin Board will become active after the maintenance on 18th January 2023.* All Sales Service Licences will be deleted and unused items purchased in the item shop will be refunded after checking the data.
★ Further Comfort Improvements
1) Defeating the boss in Varnimyr to Tirnog dungeons grants you 2x Giant Magic Crystal.
- Magic crystals are important materials for forging armour, Shadow Option Extraction, etc., so the number of Giant Magic Crystals available has been adjusted to the needs of the game.
- Previously: 1x Giant Magic Crystal upon defeating a boss.
- Now: 2x Giant Magic Crystal upon defeating a boss.
2) For Laby, we’re adjusting the Epic Quest EXP so that you can reach level 99 before Elyanod if you complete all Epic Quests (Laby).
3) Fixed a number of synchronisation errors with bosses and mid-bosses.
4) The limit on the maximum value of ‘Polarisation’: increase of hit/damage taken and ‘Adaptability’ has been increased from 45% to 55%.
5) Group applicants are now placed on the character list in applicant order.
6) Inventory slots and skill windows can now be expanded with ED.
7) Revised the names of the Poru Seals so that the rank is easier to recognise.
Before the revision
After the revision
Poru Seal (white)
Poru Seal (Normal)
Poru Seal (yellow)
Poru Seal (Rare)
Poru Seal (violet)
Poru Seal (Elite)
Poru Seal (gold)
Poru Seal (Unique)
Changed the colours of item names and tooltips to improve differentiation of item ranks and readability.
▣ Improvements to the Bank
1) Opening an Account Bank is now free so that the Account Bank can be used immediately after creating a character.
Opens an Account Bank with a normal membership (8 bank slots in which you can save 1,000,000,000 ED). Can be expanded using ED or cash items. The Private Bank can also be expanded using ED.
2) Increased the Account Bank’s ED limit from 500 million to 1 billion ED.
The Account Bank’s ED limit depends on its rank:
★ Improvements to Varnimyr
1) You can no longer find regular and refined magic stones, only superb magic stone.
- You can only find superb magic stones in Varnimyr dungeons
- The quest reward for [Varnimyr] Search for the Demon World, [Varnimyr] Investigate the Demon World, and the Magic Stone Random Cube now only contains superb magic stones.
* ‘Magic Stone Random Cubes’ obtained before the maintenance on 18th January are renamed to ‘(old) Magic Stone Random Cube’ and continue to contain regular, refined, or superb magic stones.
- The Reward Cube (Varnimyr Raid, story/normal) now only contains superb magic stones.
* Reward Cubes (Varnimyr Raid) obtained before the maintenance on 18th January are renamed to ‘(old) Reward Cube (Varnimyr Raid)’ and continue to contain regular, refined, or superb magic stones.
- The reward for ‘I Should Have Known’ and ‘Hard-won, Hard-fought’ is now a Superb Giant Magic Stone.
★ Improvements to Rigomor
1) Celestial Prism Armour and Spectral Amethyst can now be stored in the Account Bank.
2) The number of rewards for daily/weekly quests in Rigomor has been adjusted.
* The progress of the corresponding quests is reset.
Quest Name
[Rigomor] Investigate the Seabed
25x Spectral Amethyst
50x Spectral Amethyst
[Rigomor] Explore the Seabed
100x Spectral Amethyst
200x Spectral Amethyst
3) Changed the entry requirements for the Epic Quests ‘Enter Rigomor’.
- previously: ‘Shadow Run (Varnimyr)’ [0/1]
- now: 1x Varnimyr Dungeon (includes raid and story mode) [0/1]
★ Improvements to Master’s Road
1) Dungeon accessories (Master’s Road) can now be stored in the Account Bank.
Item List
Earthly Power Earrings
Crimson Flame Necklace
1x Wind Power Hair Accessory
Nasod Controller
Water Power Bracelet
EL’s Halo
Dark Energy Halo
Sun Power Symbol
2) Reset the progress of the daily/weekly quest ‘Master’s Road Qualification Certificate’.
★ Improvements to Titles
1) Standardised the dungeon’s titles (except for titles from Giant Bosses and raids). Added the tabs ‘Shared’, ‘Character’ and ‘Favourites’ to the title interface.
- Shared: Can be used by all characters on the account.
- Character: Can only be used after this character has fulfilled the receipt requirements.
- Favourites: Displays the list of titles marked as favourites. A max. of 20 favourites can be marked.
* The title lists in the ‘Shared’, ‘Character’ and ‘Favourites’ tabs can be accessed after maintenance on 18th January 2023.
2) The following titles change tabs:
Nasod Hunter
★ Characters
1) After equipping Archdevil’s Leg Guards and Archdevil’s Shoes, the feet are no longer incorrectly displayed.
2) Optimised the look of the Sun Master Shoes.
3) When wearing Sun Master Leg Guards and Sun Master Shoes, the legs are now displayed correctly.
4) Optimised the shoes size when equipping the Underworld Shoes.Cornwell Knight
Performing Deadly Impact now immediately triggers Stop Time.Immortal
When ‘[Switch] Infinite Blows’ hits, the opponent is no longer thrown into the distance.
1) When wearing the Christmas Party Blouse and Christmas Party Skirt, the belly is now neither completely exposed nor displayed incorrectly.
2) When wearing the ELS Free Time Lolita Top, the hands are now displayed correctly.Lord Azoth
The tooltips of skills that inflict poisoning now show the duration of the effect.
- Modified skills:
Flask Rain, [Strong] Flask Rain, Poison Hail, [Strong] Poison Hail, Poison Gas, [Strong] Poison Gas, Quick Flash, [Strong] Quick Flash, Flash Wave, [Strong] Flash Wave, Sparkling Body, [Strong] Sparkling Body
When wearing special shoes, the legs are now displayed correctly.Nasod Empress
1) Oberon Guard skills now correctly repel ‘Mega-Electron Missile – Zero’.
2) The magnetic field of ‘Electric Thunder’ is no longer erroneously recognised as an active skill.
If Lord Chesterfield Leg Guards and special shoes are worn at the same time, the legs are now displayed correctly.Fury Guardian
The Pandemonium skill’s fear debuff can now be removed by appropriate effects.Adamant Paladin
When activating defensive skills in PvP, the display of damage taken no longer affects your own attack speed.
AraWhen wearing the Spring Uniform Layered Skirt, the alternate movement style Heartwarmer is now also correctly displayed for the legs.
Sakra Devanam
When activating ‘Improved Spear Technique’ in PvP, the display of damage taken no longer affects your own attack speed.
1) After playing through a dungeon, Lu now sits in the seat again instead of in the air when the victory display appears.
2) Companions: In the mount menu, the character can now be changed correctly without unintentionally revealing the accessories.Royal Guard
When switching during a PvP combo, the passive skill ‘Soul Collector’ is executed correctly again and all 5 hits are activated.Diabla
If you select Create Character -> Class Information -> Diabla, you will now see Lu in the frontal view.Noblesse
The effect of the passive skill ‘Tribute’ (extended buff duration) no longer affects the Podium of Magic or the Magic Source on Ereda Island.
The game no longer suddenly shuts down in certain situations.★ Dungeon/PvP/Field
1) The death timer after dying by falling is reduced.2) In all game modes of EL’s Corridor, the positions of the monsters on the maps of the first stage and the boss stage are displayed correctly again.
★ Items
1) Tenebrous Armour: Added a tooltip ‘Cannot enter PvP and Ereda’. (You cannot participate in PvP battles or enter Ereda with the corresponding armour.)
2) Tenebrous Armour: Using a Power Boost activates a protective shield with n% of the max. HP. While the protective shield is active, you regenerate n% of HP and MP every 3 seconds. The regeneration value is now correctly displayed.
★ Misc.
1) Adventurers who have used up all their character slots should also have the chance to try out Rena’s 4th path. (max. 61 slots -> max. 62 slots)
2) Fixed the problem whereby the option ‘continuous damage’ (effect of the 2 and 5 piece set artefacts (red)) had no influence on the Battle Strength.
3) Some options that had an influence on damage but not on Battle Strength have been adjusted and now also affect Battle Strength.
List of options:
- Damage when attacking enemies with less than n% HP
- Damage when attacking enemies with more than n% HP
- Damage increase when attacking enemies with less than n% HP
4) The loading image in the [Force] area of the content guide (F12) has been replaced in accordance with the current update.
5) Until now, the size of the effect was not adjusted if you changed the size of the character in the preview (full screen) in the item shop. This error has been fixed.
6) Fixed the problem where the effect was activated in the wrong place when levelling up.
7) Previously, the ‘Completed’ symbol in the receipt requirements disappeared when you logged in again after receiving the title. This error has been fixed.
Achievement requirements were adjusted according to the number of titles in the respective areas.
Flew Through the Rock Canyon
5x Besma title -> 4x Besma title
Nasod Are Strong, Right?
6x Altera title -> 5x Altera title
The Pleasure Was Mine, We’ll Never See Each Other Again
13x Varnimyr title-> 10x Varnimyr title
We’ve met often enough. I think that this should be our last meeting.
7x Pruinaum title -> 4x Pruinaum title
9) For logins in certain situations, the keyboard is no longer reset.
10) When talking to an NPC, the group search is no longer called up by mistake.
11) The interface is now displayed correctly in any resolution.
12) Time-limited items now disappear correctly from the inventory after the time period has expired.
13) Items with a reduced durability cannot be registered in the Trading House, but the menu is still called up correctly when such an attempt is made.
14) For locked items, the colon is no longer displayed in orange in the tooltip.15) When creating socket slots in an equipment, the tooltip is now displayed correctly.
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