I think Aki is doing a qualitative analysis based on shape and size.
Suzaku - Wanderer between Life and Death
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That what I thought too. But since it's Aki there must be more to it.
Well, I think we can safely assume her motivation, so we only need to look at methodology, results and discussion.
So, Akichan, how are your boobs doing?
My boobs are fine.
I think Aki is doing a qualitative analysis based on shape and size.
Well not exactly. All my ladies had to do that, while I just enjoied everything
Imagine this being written on the old Elsword DE Forum xD -
So your ladies are doing a qualitative assessment of your boobs (I assume via massage) and you're just lying there enjoying it? Must be nice.
Imagine this being written on the old Elsword DE Forum xD
Not good at imagining things, dood. But I would probably like to imagine other things than that written on the old forum.
Tbh it's not that hard to imagine what will happen: the thread will be closed due to lewd topics.
> Lagtino thread #5k – "Oh, that's a fine and harmless discussion"
> "Boobs" – "Verwarnung wegen Verstoß gegen die Forenregeln, Umgangstones und allgemein unterirdischen Benehmens."
Tbh it's not that hard to imagine what will happen: the thread will be closed due to lewd topics.
> "Boobs" – "Verwarnung wegen Verstoß gegen die Forenregeln, Umgangstones und allgemein unterirdischen Benehmens."
Would be funnier if it didn't happen already.
It did? When? Where?
Didn't the say that talking about boobs in the tags is forbidden for that reason?
I think they said something like "boobs are to anstößig for ze German forum".
"Too anstößig" is my new motto.
Passend zum Thema: Wie gefällt euch mein Avatar/Cover-Paar?
Ich seh Boobies. Ergo kanns gar nicht schlecht sein :3
Stimme Aki da zu.
Ich hab damals ja ne Verwahrnung wegen nen bisschen Ausschnitt bekommen....
Ach Moderatoren von Elsword DE. Man muss sie einfach lieben.
Grund war angeblich, dass das den Fokus auf sich zieht und nicht, dass es da war...
??? Diese Argumentation macht ja auch nicht mal Sinn???
Sollte sie?