Thanks from the staff

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  • Banda.

  • Well i do. And i can farm Rigomor and money on my own pretty fast and finding Raid parties is not a problem either.

    Try to front me with something I'm not good in.

    Well, I said thanks, too ._.

    Just because you like getting carried doesn't mean everyone does.

    Did you lick Banda's Boots to know how they taste?

    I wear Banda boots and I clean them regularly.

    And i suggested by your name that you are someone who wants everyone to be equal.

    However then to state that one group of people is supreme is a classical case of making the word holy but not the meaning behind it.

    A name is just a name. Your assumptions are all wrong.

    I don't need your thanks since I don't pay you. And stop replying if you don't have nothing to say. You embarassed yourself enough already.

  • Okay before this random Thread escalates any further after having reached its goal of an "Thank you" will I close it at this state.


    Thx to Shira for this Sig and Profile Banner!