SELL a lot of different stuff for many chars

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    I would like to get some items sold I gathered together :p

    B4 I start listing all the stuff I would like to tell u that I do not know the specific names in the english version of the game so I hope u can get it anyways through the pictures and translation o.o'

    I got the following stuff:


    - Special Agent both colours for Elesis, Raven, Elsword, Chung

    - Belder (Circle?) Premium Package both colours for Elsword, Raven, Elesis

    - Belder Academy with Pose for Raven, Rena, Elsword, Elesis

    - "Shadow Feather" (??) Package for Rose with the black scarf

    - Sweet Dream (blue) package for Elesis


    - New Spring Pose for Chung, Elesis, Ara, Rena

    - Mega Cake My Dear Sweet Pose for Rena, Elesis, Chung, Raven, Ara, Elsword

    - MAZE Reset Pose for Rena, Elesis, Chung, Raven, Ara, Elsword

    - Alter Crown '0' Young Pose for Rena, Elesis, Chung, Raven, Ara, Elsword

    - rare Elstar Alter Crown Fanservice Pose for Elesis


    - red carpet Pose black for Elsword and Elesis

    - Elios Park Pose for two people for Elesis

    - sublime statue for Elesis, Ara, Elsword, Laby, Raven


    - Lapis Arbiter Eyes for Ara, Eve, Rena, Aisha, Elesis

    - 7w Eyes for Rena, Rose, Elesis, Elsword, Aisha, Add, Lu, Ciel, Eve, Ain, Laby

    Other Stuff:

    - many +7 scrolls

    - many +9 Scrolls

    - many +10 Scrolls

    - Mariposa White Hair Cubes

    - Ghost-Pyjama cube for Elesis, Raven, Elsword

    - trinity ace fan package for Elsword and Elesis with a pose

    - mega cake fanpackage elesis

    - maze fanpackage elesis

    - Koex. Package Ain & Rose

    IceBurner stuff:

    - 8/9 Mariposa Elsword without Wings (not white)

    - 5/5 7w Raven

    - 5/5 ET3 Eve

    - 5/5 SS Eve + Weap

    - DkA Abyss blue Eve

    - full DkA Elsword (blue Abyss) with legwings but without the neutral wearable shield

    - Hamel Navy Officer 5/5 + Cape Elsword

    - Hamel Arctic Officer 4/5 Elsword

    - Mariposa white 4/4 Elsword

    - Bigint 5/5 Cubes

    - 7w top acc cubes

    - 7w bot acc cubes

    If u are interested in any set or thing in any way, please contact me through personal message here, add Revialis or add me on Discord @ CroweD#4057 :)

    I don't have specific prices so please feel free to offer but I won't take stupid offers tho :p

    I also trade against Elesis CS / IB Stuff or against IB Cubes I like - feel free to offer everything, I will respond to you and let you know if I am interested :)

    Thanks and have fun in Elsword :p
