Greetings El Community,
First of all I wanted to ask about Happy Hours, how often it is and (aproximetely) when will be the nearest?
Second, Tresure Hunter. When it should be - I wanted to put all money on it and I wanted to do it early as possible to make my Eldrit Seeker Collection stronger?
Third, Synergy. I should have 3 synergy effects open and it says only one, it says 1/4 for the rest and i DO have active characters for it? Maybe only one effect is possible? Or bug?
Forth, Synergy again. What does the x-path means? What is this path thing?
Thank you for all the answers - help.

Few questions, please help!
- Game
- VoyTec
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1. approx 1 each month
2. nobody knows
3. sounds weird
4. path is class 1st path aes, 2nd path oz, 3rd path mtm
1. approx 1 each month
2. nobody knows
3. sounds weird
4. path is class 1st path aes, 2nd path oz, 3rd path mtm
Thank You Aerii,
As I asked those quesions I checked News Archive for Events and... :
1. There isnt much News about it just at the end of the year it is possible youre right - maybe they didn't put News about it.
2. In 2020 Treasure Hunt was in July as much as 2019, July maybe? Once a year?
3. I checked it two times but I have to add I didn't buy the Synergy effect yet cause I work on my Eldrit Seeker Collection and I dont like wasting money. BUT EVEN if I don't have Energy effect - one buff is highlighted a bit more than the rest. The two I should have too are as much greyed out as the ones I shoudn't have. Maybe that's because I don't have the effect yet - I'll check later...
4. Elaborate more please Aerii, I don't know "aes", "oz", "mtm" It's new stuffs to me - I never asked about it before and I am beginner, in raids I am mostly carried by best players and I just buff as much as possbile with my FP.
Looking forward for you'r answer,
and again..., thanks! -
just search for happy hour and you find it all
for chung paths are FP, CC, CET if that helps. its just the different classes. 1st is CC 2nd is FP 3rd is CET, you can check on
treasure hunt is usually part of upgrade events,
for some synergy effects you need more chars than 1 to give any effect
Thanks again Aerii,
1st, 2nd and 4th question are solved then,
But about Synergy bug:
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Elaborate, please! -
i think its because you need 3rd class advancement for the "2nd listed effect" of a char
but you just have 2nd class change with doombringer, catastrophe and diangelion
thats why it doesnt work
For the sinergy effects: 1 level, you need trascendente to activate; 2 level, 3rd job to activate; 3 level, Master class to activate
I thought so to be honest but appreciate you'r help and thank you for reply to you both.
C you in El Game.