
Attention! We are receiving reports about SCAM attempts, which promise you to get Elcoin for free after submitting your account data on some pages.
We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
Please report any kind of such activity directly to our Support. Thank you!
  • Oi, minha primeira vez e não estou conseguindo entrar. Nenhum erro ao digitar id e pass. Toda a vez e diz 'log in data is incorrect' e repito nenhum erro ao digitar. E começa a frustrar-me rsrsrsrs

    Hi, my first time and I'm not getting in. No error typing id and pass. All the time and says 'log in data is incorrect' and I repeat no typing errors. And it starts to frustrate me rsrsrsrs

  • You should try to explain that on english.

    If I get you right, you're unable to log into the game with a error saying your "log in data is incorrect", make sure that you didnt have caps lock active and if it still doesnt work try to contact the support or use the "forgot password" function.


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  • Hello yahto!

    If you're sure you're not making mistakes while typing then you might have registered your account in other Elsword server.

    I'm sorry but we cannot help you through forum, you should send a ticket to our support system. Here's the link: https://elsword.support.gameforge.com/index.php?fld=ww

    ╮~ zCTTkiM.jpg ~╭

    This Pokémon has the habit of hugging its companions. Many Trainers have left this world after their spines were squashed by its hug.

    Bewear - Moon Edition

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