Hello Elsword EU!

Attention! We are receiving reports about SCAM attempts, which promise you to get Elcoin for free after submitting your account data on some pages.
We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
Please report any kind of such activity directly to our Support. Thank you!
  • Hello Elsword EU!

    My name is LeisureStyx, and I'm from somewhere below Europe/South East(If I see the world map), Indonesia.

    I know, weird for me to get into EU Server. :Laby:

    Currently and as a new player with there jump event on going, I decided to main Ain, Florere(Bluhen in INT/NA).:kawaiiain:

    First impression; shocked at board shop prices/market price for the items such as Ignia Accessories, IB, etc, and uhm.. Invited to probably an ES Guild, I think I'm screwed. But I do need that bank thingy.. Oh god please Gameforge no :V

    Anyway, since this is EU Server, please don't hate me if I lagged your game on PvE(and I'm not PVP player), I really don't mean to make the game hard on you guys.

    If you guys somehow chat with me in-game, if I don't chat/reply back, please don't take it to a negative way, since I'm not that kind of person who like to Chat(YES, I am an Introvert)

    Hope to see you guys in-game.:)


  • Hello LeisureStyx!

    Welcome to Elsword EU, i hope you have an incredible expectation of this server!!

    Connection and lag problems are common and always try to find how to fix them :)

    I wish you good luck with your RNG(RNG is a meme Elsword) on this server and have a good day!

    Any question you have can be answered in the forum or in the official elsword eu discord server. :blushes: