Selling IGN: Abysser, lnnocent + Heroic.

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  • Hi! Seeing that I could sell the IGN Juuzou a few hours ago, I wanted to try my luck.
    Since I'm a returned player I need ED, mostly. Feel free to offer.

    I also have the IGN "lnnocent" but it's written with a lowercase "L" instead of an uppercase "i".

    I have been using my main with the ign Heroic for a while now but I think it's time to change and keep the jump one, since it will be easier for me (rip all my ed spent on tears, though) so offer up!

    • As they are something like character's names, I will go with like 80% of the price BEFORE and the remaining amount when you get the name. The names are ready to go.

    I wanted 135M for Abysser, around 80M for lnnocent.
    190~180M for Heroic.
    (remember that you can offer up)

    You can pm me on discord: jellyfishie#6216
    Or send me a friend request in-game:

    Edited 4 times, last by Dice ().

  • Your discord doesnt workin'.
    I'm interesed, NYXISE#0250

    I'm sorry, I didn't notice I forgot to update my handle there!
    I just sent a friend request, it should appear as: jellyfishie#6216,

  • I have the IGN Arthur available too, offer up and if I like what you offer me, I will think about it.

    Up it goes.