DM me / ign: unwanted, iamsatan

selling IB and CS stuff
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hello how much for maid D:
i take offers! pm me if u wanna discuss the price
sold: grand prix set -
700 m is ok ?
i'll sell it for 700 if u can seal. it would need 6 seals then. you can add me ingame: unwanted , i'll come online in a few minutes
I dont buy it now i need 200 m give me time D:
sure, as long as you can seal it.
i'll wait for you. -
tnx u so much
u have discord i mp u when i have ur ed :x
Hello there,
I'd make an offer but I don't know the prize for Ara CS. I'm interested in both El-Office Blazers, blue lolita shoes, belder academie and steampunk full.
Best regards
Can u post the prices for each
Sorry, wasnt on forum
idk about prices myself xd i take offers
offer for steampunk was 500, i thinkoffers for the pink pijama stuff was also 500
SE head accessory sold, both el office blazers sold to Satorai i think aka message me again for the other stuff please 0:
Lolita shoes i would sell for idk 100? if u're still interested, steampunk + belder academy idk, u're free to make offers though or discuss prices. i'll update asap with new pics
I'd buy steampunk full for 600 and Lolita shoes for 100 if that's fine for you. Do you mind adding me on discord? Satorai#0616
Hi! I'm interested in a few things you have listed, could you add me on Discord please? KittenVirus#0914
current offer for the sweet dreams ara?
hi ^^/
how much for the 5/5 black military?