Display More17/6/2020 (09:00 AM) until 15/7/2020 (08:59 AM)
1. PowerUp!
Duration: 17/6/2020 (09:00 AM) until 15/7/2020 (08:59 AM)
Event Effects
+11 Weapon Upgrade Buff
Attack and magic attack: +10%
2. Avatar - As You Wish!
Event Title
Avatar - as you wish!
Logged in for a total of 10 min.
1x [CoBo] Selection Cube with Elios Master Complete Set (14 days)
level 10+
per account
* This login event will be updated each Wednesday at 09:00 AM.
* Will be removed from the Letter Box at 8:59 AM on 15th July 2020.
3. Daily Rewards
Quest type: Daily
Quest Name
[EVENT] Daily: Magic Stone of the Wise
Play through a dungeon with a matching level 1x
10x Luriel’s Magic Stone of the Wise
level 10+
per account
[EVENT] Daily: Recovery Potion
Play through a dungeon with a matching level 2x
50x Luriel’s One-Man Pack
level 10+
per account
4. Weekly Rewards
Quest Type: Weekly
Quest Name
[EVENT] Weekly: Spectral Amethyst
Play through Rigomor dungeon 5x
100x Spectral Amethyst
level 10+
per account
[EVENT] Weekly: Magic Stone
Play through Varnimyr dungeon 5x
10x Luriel’s Magic Stone Random Cube
level 10+
per account
5. Day-long Support
Event Effects
17/6/2020 (9:00 AM) until 24/6/2020 (8:59 AM)
Doubled EXP
24/6/2020 (9:00 AM) to 1/7/2020 (8:59 AM)
Doubled drop rate
1/7/2020 (9:00 AM) to 8/7/2020 (8:59 AM)
Doubled drop rate in Add, hero and secret dungeons
8/7/2020 (9:00 AM) to 15/7/2020 (8:59 AM)
Doubled EXP
Doubled drop rate in normal dungeons, hero, Add and secret dungeons
6. Weekends with Elsword!, Part 1
Event Title
Weekends with Elsword!, Part 1
Logged in for a total of 60 min.
1x [CoBo] 3rd Class Change Coupon
level 10+
per account
* Will be removed from the Letter Box at 8:59 AM on 15th July 2020.
7. Weekends with Elsword!, Part 2
Event Title
Weekends with Elsword!, Part 2
Logged in for a total of 30 min.
1x [CoBo] Fusion Energy Disk (red) - Level 5
level 10+
per account
Logged in for a total of 60 min.
1x [CoBo] Fusion Energy Disk (blue) - Level 5
Logged in for a total of 90 mins
1x [CoBo] Fusion Energy Disk (yellow) - Level 5
* Will be removed from the Letter Box at 8:59 AM on 15th July 2020.
8. Weekends with Elsword!, Part 3
Event Title
Weekends with Elsword!, Part 3
Logged in for a total of 60 min.
1x [CoBo] Selection Cube with Secret Message of Finality
level 10+
per account
* Will be removed from the Letter Box at 8:59 AM on 15th July 2020.
9. Weekends with Elsword!, Part 4
Login: Once
Event Title: Weekends with Elsword!, Part 4
Limitation: level 10+, per account
Logged in for a total of 30 min.
1x [CoBo] Dyeing Coupon for Elyanod Top
Logged in for a total of 60 min.
1x [CoBo] Dyeing Coupon for Elyanod Leg Guards
Logged in for a total of 90 mins
1x [CoBo] Dyeing Coupon for Elyanod Gloves
Logged in for a total of 120 min.
1x [CoBo] Dyeing Coupon for Elyanod Shoes
Logged in for a total of 150 min.
1x [CoBo] Magic Stone Effect Change Coupon (Attack/Magic Attack)
Logged in for a total of 30 min.
1x [CoBo] 3rd Class Change Coupon
* Will be removed from the Letter Box at 8:59 AM on 15th July 2020.
Attention! We are receiving reports about SCAM attempts, which promise you to get Elcoin for free after submitting your account data on some pages.
We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
Please report any kind of such activity directly to our Support. Thank you!
We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
Please report any kind of such activity directly to our Support. Thank you!