Sell a lot of Elsword IB

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  • Hi there,

    selling the following Sets:

    - Mecha General Full

    - Crescent Lullaby 5/5, Weapon, Bottom Accessory

    - Black Mass Full

    - Radiant Flower Full

    - Chess Arena Full

    - Lord of Dawn / Lord of Dusk Full

    - Mariposa Full

    - Elpheus Full

    - EO Dark Full

    - Celestial Master Full

    - Archpriest Full

    - Perkisas (except Legwings)

    - Henir Full

    - Masquerade 4/5 (no gloves), Weapon, all Acess

    - Salvatore Gaia Full

    - Millenium Fox Weapons (both colors)

    - Miracle Alchemist Full

    - Thanatos Full

    - Hamel Navy Full (both colors)

    - Ignition Caligo 5/5, Weapon, Wings, Horns

    - Nasod Battlesuit MK2 5/5, back Access, Goggles

    - Gold Falcon (except armshield)

    - Glacial (except new access)

    - Salvatore Ebalon (except new access)

    - Dark Shadow / Pale Shadow Full

    - Holy Unicorn (except legwings)

    - Dragon Knight in both colors Full

    - Royal Blood (no new access)

    - Yaksha in both colors except legwings

    - Shadow Incubus (except legwings)

    - Salvatore Denif (except new Access)

    - ET1 (except wings)

    - Royal Servant in both colors (no earrings)

    - Velder Imperial Guard (no armshield)

    - Salvatore Solace Full

    - Archdevil (no legwings)

    - Nasod Battlesuit (no new access)

    - Archangel ( no new access)

    Pm if interested or via Discord


  • Hello! I would be interested in buying a 5/5 Black Mass, that is if you're selling it separately.

    Best regards!

    discord: [PC] Hei Lee#7274