Skotadi - Change is the only constant in life

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  • So i already did an introduction in the german part of the forum and i thought i would do the same on the international part

    new forum, new luck and another change in my life :swag:

    Some of you probably already read that i like the saying "Change is the only constant in life" by Heraclitus of Ephesos.

    And since we got a new forum , i instantly thought that i need to change something . First of all i changed my Name from BloodyRegent to Skotadi (I use the Name Skotadi on nearly everything i use except in Elsword lul ).

    I instantly intended to be active on the new forum since i haven't really used to old one. And well... that's the reason why i write this introduction:cielpukerainbows:

    First of all somethign about myself:

    My name is Skotadi (or Tobi), i'm 20 years old and i'll start my apprenticeship as a audio-visual media designer in september.

    I play Elsword since January 2014 and had a relatively long time where i wasn't able to play the game for about 2 years. And started again in the beginning of 2017.

    I mainly started playing Elsword because Liesura somehow made me download the game and test it.

    At the beginning i mained Elesis (Grand Master) , but switched to Add (Mastermind) after he got released.

    Now i play mainly 3 Charaters:

    Add (Dominator):addsuspicious:Name: Solstice

    Ain (Bluhen/Florere) :kawaiiain:Name: Skotadi

    Elesis (CrA, Bloody Queen) :elesisweird:Name: BloodyRegent

    I currently play Bluhen/Florere the most and sometimes even Tactical Trooper/Centurion (even tho i couldn't get myself to like Chung till 2018 lol)

    Well there isn't much else to say except that i really like Anime, Manga and co., like probably everyone else here(i think... would be strange if you play an Anime styled MMORPG and don't like anime).

    But that's it for now,so i can finally go back to Elsword and play some more .:memeadd:

    Best regards

    ~ Skotadi - Tobi ~


    Avatar & Signature by Yumae

  • i couldn't get myself to like Chung till 2018 lol

    How did you dare? D:

    Welk anyway

    Un Masterino è votato al posthunting,

    il suo cuore conosce solo il ban,

    la sua spada difende gli spammer,

    la sua forza sostiene i posthunter,

    la sue parole dicono solo la verità,

    la sua ira abbatte gli staffer.


    Tnx to Sonicofor the sig

    Banda. Comanda.