[Buy] Please help me finish my IB collection
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i have AD 9/10 (both hair no LegWings)
and 6/5 + Weapon ElOfficer Red(Both Hair)
5/5 Hamel Navy Officer (White with Cap) -
Hello, I am not interested about accessories nor weapons !
El Officer : 250M
HNO : 300M
How does it sound ? for the 5/5
I don't have the money for AD right now (but I can hear out your price)
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Too early push|NicotheRM
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If you are interested i have 5\5 El officer rena But is black. Pm me if you are interested. Need seals because is considered old avatar. ( I think, i don't know why some set require seals and others not.)
Thanks for the offer but OCE Black can't be wardrobed =/
Votre sujet étant inactif depuis plus d'un mois, je me permets de fermer et d'archiver votre sujet. Toutefois, si vous souhaitez le rouvrir merci de contacter un modérateur :).
Cordialement Kurokiba.