Guild [Lychirium] is recruiting!

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  • Hello!
    Glad you clicked!

    Our guild called Lychirium, an international, PvE based, guild is looking for members!

    Created not too long ago, thus it's a bit empty for now.. we're hoping to expand quickly and meet everyone's requirements!

    For now we can offer exp buff (if there's enough people), a couple of friendly people, and some game knowledge amongst us! Also, if you need help or have questions, don't be afraid to ask!

    Interested? DM me on Discord (Mitsu#8805), message me ingame under Vhesaris, ShinyVhesa or Yearning!Or apply through NPC ingame! We should be under New Guild!

    Edit: Discord has been added! to join!

    Edited once, last by Vhesaris ().