Not secretly anymore.
Fosco is here
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- Fosco
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We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
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I sleep 8 hours from 4:30 to 12:30, and in this topic is presented a new person, remember the pizza and named Fosco il Losco ... sooner or later we will all banner but until then, I love you
Posso sottolineare la pizza?
U must
La pizza.
I'm a horrible person, but ugly ugly.
a guy sold his hair solace, then I write to lower the price.
but I saw the archidiavolo visor that some fool had placed at 100kk ...
I could not handle it and bought it
then not having enough money I kicked the guy from the list friends ... without warning ... but the visor is really cool!
... maybe I do not sell it ...
Bad boy.
Fosco is on triagle. Click the triagle.
Great, greater, greatest
, greater good of god -
AMOLAD rules.
Fosco is on the Table™. Join in the Table™.
Già che ci sei vedi se riesci a ritrovare la penna, non vorremmo dover scomodare la Rai. :v
Domanda da 1 milione di El-Coins .
La TavolaTM è rotonda , quadrata o quadrimensionale?
È un geoide
Domanda da 1 milione di El-Coins .
La TavolaTM è rotonda , quadrata o quadrimensionale?
La risposta giace nascosta negli archivi della Trykea, alla voce "Piano Divino".