Zostań testerem Elsword!
Chciałbyś pomóc w testowaniu najnowszych aktualizacji gry? Zapoznaj się z poniższym ogłoszeniem i złóż podanie!
W związku z tym, że jednym z wymagań na stanowisko testera jest znajomość języka angielskiego na odpowiednim poziomie, ogłoszenie jest nieprzetłumaczone.
Quote from TechTeamDisplay MoreWhat are the tasks of the tech team?
- Testing the functions and content of a new patch on a test server before releasing it
- This includes: playing through dungeons, completing quests, checking whether a bug has been fixed, checking/testing new items,
- Bugs that have been found during tests need to be reported to KOG (developers of the game) in English so they can fix them
- Communication with tech team members of other language versions to check whether the bug can also be found in their version
- You have to be at least 18 years old
- You are a native English speaker or speak English fluently
- You are interested in Elsword
- Windows, hardware and software skills are an advantage
- You love working in a Team
What should you include in your application?
- Your nickname
- Introduce yourself
- Which games are you playing or have you played?
- Do you have any previous experience regarding this position or similar one?
- Why would you like to join the tech team?
- How much time can you invest into this?
Please send your applications in English to https://applications.comastuff.com/elsword_tech.html
After sending an application you'll be informed by E-Mail about our decision/ receive further instructions. Please keep in mind that this may take a while. We're looking forward to receive your application!