[Buy] EvilTracer 3 Weap+acc (4/4) + Chess Arena 5/5 or 4/5 + Blackmass boots

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  • Hello my dear players,

    As you can see i need some new stuff for my main Girl.

    i want to buy the Evil Tracer 3 acc + weap for a fair price.

    For the Chess Arena i only need the clothing but i would buy the hairs too if you only sell 5/5 also for a fair price of cause.

    and for my style i need some Blackmess Boots too ^^.

    So if you want to sell me the things pls send me an PM or an FL ingame (Kirinosama or KirikaNight).

    Dats all for the buying but i sell some other stuff too so maybe we can trade.

    Well then see you soon.