12-7 Title Re:blaze bugged in pvp and therefore unusable

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  • The Re:Blaze title normally gives 3 seperate buffs, but for some weeks (Months?) the buff "When Attacked, 7% chance to summon Blazing Armor, and gain the buff Crimson Armor (Reduced Damage +10%,Infinite Duration) (Cooldown: 10 seconds)" doesnt appear anymore in pvp AT ALL.

    In this video u can see me getting hit by an Eve with insane amounts of hits for 1 minute straight. :

    For those who dont know how the Buff Icon should look like: https://gyazo.com/c52d66ec4075cdcf502693e6be4e25ad

    The Proc chance is normally 7%. I have tested with other People who own the title as well and we get the same result.