Severe fps drops before and after emergency maintenance on main character

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  • hey there,

    i have been struggling the past week with severe fps drops which turn the experience into a slideshow whenever skills are being cast by party members and by activating awakening
    i have tried the same scenario on my daybreaker by running 11-5 with random party members and surprisingly noticed not a single drop yet severely hindered on my minerva, additionally on death i regain most of my fps till revival

    i am running on windows 10 enterprise 2016 LTSB 1607 with an i5 2320 and gtx 1050 2gb, i have linked a comprehensive log with processes running during my gaming session, installed programs and services and registry entries etc. just in case if needed

  • Actually your processor is a bit old gen-wise, and it could've been that your OS wasn't scheduling processes correctly before the update, since Elsword requires single thread processing. It doesn't use the graphic card at all because...well...guess's badly programmed

    Edited 2 times, last by Creska ().