Crescend lullaby trade

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  • hi i buy or trade

    8/9 Velder Imperial Guard Elesis + 5/5 NBS Elesis + 8/9 Royal Servant Elesis ( me ) agaisnt full Crescend Lullaby Laby or mariposa Elesis or IB Lalby (you)

    * can add 4/5 Nbs Lu and 5/5 NBS Ciel ( me ) to the balance.

    Vend ou echange 8/9 GI + 5/5 NBS elesis + 8/9 Maid ( moi )contre full Berceuse Demi lune Laby ou Ib laby ou mariposa Elesis ( vous)

    je peut ajouter 4/5 Nbs Lu and 5/5 NBS Ciel (moi) dans l'echange

    add SkyDown/Himary or Milhiore ig

    Edited 2 times, last by Hitshiro ().