Selling stones and other stuff

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  • So, i'm selling these :

    - 2x drop medal rate cubes 100kk/each

    - Pose for Eve (lastest one) 270kk/each

    Red :

    - Red stone : Bomb Barrage +9% (upper part) for Chung [Elite]

    - Red stone : Hit/Getting hit : damage +7% (upper part) [Elite]

    Blue :

    - Blue stone : MP consumption -6% (20% max) (upper part) [Elite]

    - Blue stone : Magic resistance +5.25 (bottom part) [Elite]

    - Blue stone : Rising slash/Star strike +10% (shoes) for Elsword [Elite]
    - Blue stone : Blaze step +11% (shoes) for Aisha [Unique]
    - Blue stone : defense ignored 6% (upper part) [Elite]

    Purple :

    - Crit damage +2% (bottom part) [Elite]

    - Hero weapon for Ara : Heroic lvl 23, ignore defense 12% (20% max), Tiger step 4 +10%, Attack level +4 (Adapted for Sakra Devanam ) [Unique]

    Everything is to seal / Tout est à sceller

    Answer below or send me a private message ! 8o