All-action with the Laby Events

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  • 2019-05-13_EL_Laby_news_515x269px_v2.jpg

    All-action with the Laby Events The mysterious girl and her loyal mirror, Nisha, are charging into the world of Elsword with a whirlwind of emotions. They’re packing a whole host of events and items too!

    Login Gift

    To earn the wonderful Diorama for Laby, all you have to do is level her up to level 10. Complete this and you will receive your reward automatically after 30 minutes pass! Event period: from 26/6 (after maintenance) till 18/9/2019 (at 8:59 AM CEST).

    Event: Adventure Calling!

    For these special quests there’s only one thing you need to do: play as Laby! Whilst you make your way through the story, the adventure event tasks will be taken on automatically. You’ll earn special cubes and other items to help you level as rewards! Event period: from 26/6 (after maintenance) till 10/7/2019 (at 8:59 AM CEST).

    Event: Free Items Daily

    You can earn more free items by completing 3 special daily quests once per account, starting at level 10! Event period: from 26/6 (after maintenance) till 10/7/2019 (at 8:59 AM CEST). Have fun! The Elsword Team
