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Laby – Get out of the forest!
‘Woohoo, it is finally time: Laby gets to explore the world! It’s going to be great! -^.^- Laby has known this forest forever and ever! It is time for some new fun! What do you think, Nisha? Huh, scared? What do you mean? What's that? Well, let’s keep moving for now!’ And so begins the journey of chirpy young Laby, who feels no negative emotion. These feelings are absorbed by her friend, Nisha, a magical mirror. On their adventures they will face up against numerous monsters. Laby will learn to fight, to use magic and will find out that the world is not as happy and well-meaning as she had imagined it. As Sparkly Child, Rumble Pumn and Eternity Winner she progresses through her first class change path in her very own quest sequence inclusive of 11 new dungeons.
BAM, BAM, BAM!Laby kicks and punches through her enemies with blazing speed! She also learns to make more and more use of Nisha the mirror’s magic. As soon as her Power Boost is charged, she will automatically make use of her hidden power. In doing so, Laby charges her special resource, sensitivity points, and then inflicts the ‘Groggy’ status on her foes. The more of them she has, the stronger her attacks and also her range; her chance of double attacks also increases.
Laby's Adventure
During her journey, the awoken girl travels through 3 regions with a total of 11 dungeons that only she (or other Laby characters) can fight through. Her path leads her initially out of her forest home in single player mode, till she eventually reaches the East Harbour. There she boards the Larinesse until she reaches the ‘Eye of the Storm’ and then must face the giant octopus with up to 4 players. In further regions she discovers the bamboo forest path and enters breathtaking palaces till she finally explores the sinister region.
Further ImprovementsCharacters and Group Search
- There are now more character slots! before after Free slots 13 14 Maximum slots 26 42
- All classes now have a second Transcendence skill cut-in.
- Characters who possess promotional skill cut-ins can now socket these with magical scrolls.
- New characters can now purchase items using the Shop Search.
- Elyanod only starts when 3 players are in the waiting list.
Items and NPCs
- Regional boss cubes now only contain accessories.
- Some region equipment names have changed.
- The blacksmith NPC in Elyanod now repairs items.
- Flame Crystals can now be exchanged with the blacksmith NPC in Elyanod for Raid Accessory Cubes.
- The materials for all old Ice Sculpture Heaters have been deleted.
- All avatar and accessory pieces for the Ice Sculpture Heater (Crescent Lullaby) are now available as a cube. Some accessory pieces can, as before, only be crafted. This affects all future Heaters.
- The space for costumes has been extended to 10 pages.
- The max page amount for equipment/accessories/costumes/items/quests/specials has been increased to 3.
- The storage capacity of the Magic Wardrobe has been increased to 5000.
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