Some's IB's Rena !

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  • Tout est négociable/ Everything is Negotiable.

    full without new accessory (sans les nouveau accessoire)

    GoF (Gold Falcon): 1.7MM/1.7kkk

    MDT/ SG x2: 1.5MM/1.5kkk

    Perkisas x2: 1.5MM/1.5kkk

    DY : + 1 mask 1MM3/1kkk3

    Académie Belder /VAK: 1MM5/1kkk5


    ET2 2MM/2kkk Only 4/5 is available --► 500M/500kk

    MA 500M/500kk

    AA 600M/600kk

    MDS / SS 700M/700kk

    MKB 1MM5/1kkk5

    Gi / iG 800M/800kk

    Bal Masqué/ Masquerade 1MM5/1kkk5

    HU 1MM/1kkk

    DK Abaddon 900M/900kk

    DYC 1MM5/1kkk5


    Honneur/Honor Abaddon 2MM/2kkk

    Abime/Ibis Abaddon 2MM/2kkk

    By Ristar