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Posts by eracnes
you sell only the haircut ?
Sell Scroll +9 tell me your price
IGN : eracnes
hi i sell
hellish blow (skill pvp) raven 12% purple (top) / [FR] coup infernal (Raven) 12% (haut)
vacuum (Ain) 10% (botom) /[FR] vaccum (Ain) 10% (bas)
impulse canon (add) 10% (gloves) /[FR] cannon a impulsion (add) 10% (gants )
maelstrom ( elsword) 10% (botom)/ [FR] maeltstrom (elsword) 10% (bas)
IGN : eracnes
tell me ur price
how many for shield SS ?
hi, i trade haircut LoH (you) vs:
scroll +9 (the price of haircut LoH is around 300kk-400kk so you need to add some pp)
4p AD ( same price)
IGN: eracnes