Hello there, i'm buying the IGN Luci for 5b,
Add on discord : Luci#1234 for a faster reply
Posts by Onikyu
Found them!
edit:closed -
I want to buy the Poison Mush & Apple Mong cards
50kk each, ign Luscious Discord Onikyu#0001 -
Hello, i'm trying to find the HNO or HAO Glasses and the MkB legwings for Raven
You can add me Onikyu#4961 -
Hello, i'm looking for the El lord crown and ears
The red ones, also i am searching for the Mk2 legwings for raven, blackIngame: DryLuci
Discord: Onikyu#4961 -
Hello, for el lord accesorry do you have all the blue ones?
Hello, i'm intersted
Hello, i'm buying every elyanod stone with :
HP 18k (everywhere)
Magic defense +6 for gloves & bot
Defense +6 for boots
Ravage/Maximize +10% boots
Critical strikes chance +10% top
Thank you!
! (add Lickyu ingame or Onikyu#9315 discord for quicker reply)
Hello, i'm buying your +10, 11, 12 and every force skills in Unique / Elitary
Also buying elyanod 4/4 at least +10 (pereference Blue)
Add me on discord @ Onikyu#9315 Please
Can you add me discord? Onikyu#9315
Cancel my offer, sell it to monoxide he's a gud guy
Hello, add Lickyu in game i'm taking it (can't unwardrobe)
Add luscious too incase im farming^^
Hello i buy these stones:
▲ Lv 29 Bottom
▲ Lv 29 Gloves
●HP +18k every slot
●Defense +6 gloves
●Magic resist +6 bottom & shooes
♦Top Critical +10%
♦Bottom +10% defense (or maybe magic resist)
♦Shooes Maximize +10%
■Eve Cemp "slash" skill +11-12%
And finnally : Title sacrifice , i offer 5b for the moment , negociable ofc
Thank you
Salut j'aimerai te prendre Assault puissant ce soir
You still sell the +11? o:
Add Onikyu#9315
i offer 5
Hello, as the title says, i buy :
Nocturn of Henry
The title curse of chaos
Ans these purple stones :
-3% critical (Every position)
-11-12% Blade master skills (every Pvp skill you think is good)