1 >:3
Posts by Altale
1 >:D
Closing the thread as tags changed to "closed"
Closing the thread as tags changed to "closed"
Closing the thread as tags changed to "closed"
Closing the thread as tags changed to "closed"!
Closing the thread as tags changed to "closed"!
Closing the thread as tags changed to "closed"!
Closing the thread as tags changed to "closed"
closing the thread as tags changed to "closed"!
Hi there,
First of all, any payment/billing issues must be handled on our official support site accessible here where you must log in on your support account. Please send a ticket on our official support site and follow the instructions that the billing team respond with. Here's a link on how to contact the payment/billing support in detail if you are lost: [Guide] Contacting the Payment/BIlling Support
I will be closing the thread as there is no need for further discussion. Please seek aid using the support site!
closing the thread as tags changed to "closed"!
closing the thread as tags changed to 'closed'!