Sell or Trade This (Lu/Ciel/Rose/Ain/Add/Elesis/Ara/Chung/Eve/Raven/Rena/Aisha/Elsword) ---->> For items Lu/Scroll/EC
Posts by Ranka
Sell or Trade This (Lu/Ciel/Rose/Ain/Add/Elesis/Ara/Chung/Eve/Raven/Rena/Aisha/Elsword) ---->> For items Lu/Scroll/EC
Sell or Trade This (Lu/Ciel/Rose/Ain/Add/Elesis/Ara/Chung/Eve/Raven/Rena/Aisha/Elsword) ---->> For items Lu/Scroll/EC And Sell Ereda Service 550kk + your Ring (My Seal).
Sell or Trade This (Lu/Ciel/Rose/Ain/Add/Elesis/Ara/Chung/Eve/Raven/Rena/Aisha/Elsword) ---->> For items Lu/Scroll/EC And Sell Ereda Service 400kk + your Ring (My Seal).
Sell or Trade This (Lu/Ciel/Rose/Ain/Add/Elesis/Ara/Chung/Eve/Raven/Rena/Aisha/Elsword) ---->> For items Lu/Scroll/EC And Sell Ereda Service 400kk + your Ring (My Seal).
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Trade This ---->> Sell Ereda Service 500kk + Your Ring
Trade This ---->> Sell Ereda Service 450kk + Your Ring and Seal
Trade This ---->> Sell Ereda Service 450kk + Your Ring and Seal
Updated !!
450kk for the maid is it ok ?
I can leave it at 500kk
Is there anythink i can use for trading ? I can obtain a total of 2060 EC for now.
I'm not interested thanks anyway I only use Lu/Ciel and Laby
how much for the 5/5 maid
and how much for the 5/5 EO ?
550KK maid and 400kk EO
Any price for EC ? :o
I don't know the same, it depends on how much you sell the EC
It's possible if i pay El Coins ?
But don't know how much...
I also don't know the conversion from ED to EC
How much pp for full set Henir Lu ?
Please tell me with 000.000.000 ~
Or you don't sell the full set ?
the last offer is 3B for Full Set
I'd like to buy Lapis Arbeiter Lu hair (no hat)! If you split! 300/400kk is the price I'd like to pay for them, or I can trade for Nereid Ain 5/5 (need hangers), Nereid Add 5/5. I also have a HAO 5/5 (w/ hat) (need hangers) for Noah.
Also, I'd like to know the price for 5/5 Radiant Flower (in pink) Lu
or if you trade it.
Lapis Arbeiter Lu hair i can sell 300kk
and 5/5 RF 600kk