hi 500kk for imperial... 5/5 +my seals?
Posts by Sun
hi like in the titel i want to buy this stuff pls pm me
for the SS Shild i would pay 3b or trade my Eve Serbius Full
for the RoyalMaid Acc (no weap) i would pay 3b too also can trade Full Serbius or HU 5/5+Weapon... (or Et1 Wings Rena)
These are the parts that are available for exchange(Eve)
if this offers are not good enough pls tell me ur price
hi i just have the weapon 550kk and wings 350kk together 900kk?
oh hi thx c: i already have someone who sells me shoes and bottom HP
Want to buy Evrything in the Pic
I can also trade for Full Serbius Eve + Loh weapon Rena and 5/5 from Rena Aisha Eve Lu Ciel Ara or
Full MK2 Rena +Et1 4/4 (including Wings) c:
--> can also trade just for Rena Aisha Chunf Eve LU Ciel Ara stuff ...
if not pls tell me any offers
Pls PM me with ur Offers
can be closed
got rosso hair c:
SE Hair sold
ea 3% crit i want to buy for 350kk ur seals
HP red 250kk ur seals
SuperNova 100kk ur seals +12% 250kk ur seals
vk du traumnachtschuhe 90kk+siegel?