i prefer offers via PM or ingame on one of my chars
Posts by Rajugar
hmm i keep it in mind but i search for 4/4 acces + weapon
you only have the Evil trace arm acces right?
Well Hello Friends,
as you can see i need to get some stuff sold for my new stuff i want to buy (check my buying thread too if you sell some ele stuff)
but enough of this and back to wat i sell:
- Abbadon Claymore (the blue one) for an fair offer
- Yaksha Claymore Red for 300kk
- Gold Falcon 4/5 for 300kk
You can send me offer for trade (or the abbadon clay) via PM here or ingame (Kirinosama or KirikaNight).
Of course, all prices are negotiable!
Soo see you soon and have a good day.
Hello my dear players,
As you can see i need some new stuff for my main Girl.
i want to buy the Evil Tracer 3 acc + weap for a fair price.
For the Chess Arena i only need the clothing but i would buy the hairs too if you only sell 5/5 also for a fair price of cause.
and for my style i need some Blackmess Boots too ^^.
So if you want to sell me the things pls send me an PM or an FL ingame (Kirinosama or KirikaNight).
Dats all for the buying but i sell some other stuff too so maybe we can trade.
Well then see you soon.
hm is rly no one there dat want to buy something?
Auch seit 2010 dabei
(und nein, ich bin nicht diese Eve die damals Haru hieß)ich kenn nurnoch nen paar namen und die die ich kenne sind menschen die man meiden sollte weil sie den Markt nachhaltig ausem ruder gebracht haben. Aber ne Haru kenn ich net XD
Naja ich bin seid 2010 dabei aber ich glaube wir kennen uns nicht.
bin auch recht froh das mich die die ich damals kannte nicht mehr kennen (naja die meisten haben eh aufgehört)
Aisha WM Set Sold!
Eve Tiara Sold!
Elesis Hair Sold!
i hope you guys buy the rest too XD
ok what ever you mean
Greetings my fellow Player's,
Yea i am back again .... yea again. It's my em third time dat i came back to Elsword i guess. But this time it was more then 2 Years since i played Elsword for more then 2 days.
But enough of this stuff and back to the topic: who the hell am i?
Well simply explained:
I am Rajugar, an old Veteran from the earlyest days of Elsword DE. i started playing in 2010 and played every char since then and well i find my classes late very late.
Today i am an Ara, Rena and Elesis main (some times i play rose but shes new for me).
But well i don't think dat someone from dat time knows me ^^'.
So now to my real personality:
hmm how did i describe myself??? Hm let me try this: I am half a demon who would sold and betray you and half an angel with 400 km of patience and the drive to help as mutch as i can. Sooo yea i am simply describe as twilight "Human".
The essayist way too keep me as "angel" is to be fair, honst and friendly to me and my Friends. But i think most of you here are nice right?
Oh for the ones who ask how old i am, well i am old but Elsword is old too sooo yea i am 25 so everyone who can math knows dat i started Elsword with 15.
To my Hobbys is not much to say i like Gaming since i was 7, look Animes like Foodwars or Gundam 00, like stuff like Hazbin Hotel (srsly Alastor is my soulmate) and i rly like to play "Pen and Paper" ("Das Schwarze Auge") with my buddy's.
So dat should be all for the moment and if you want to know more ... ask!
Srysl i don't bite ..... hehehe
Hello fellow Elswordplayer's,
Today i sell some of my old stuff to you.
Soo if you want something from this you can send me an PM or add my Ara (Kirinosama) ingame and we talk about the price.
Oh by the way i only sell the clothings together (Top,Bottom,hand,shoes) excluding the Raven gloves ^^.
And if you have and Monsterhunter 3 Claymore or an Salvadore Rosso (Firemaster) Claymore i rly like to trade it for some items you want.
So dats all for Today, see you soon.
Hello Follow player,
i sell after a long time my old Elsword stuff:
- Top, Bottom, Hand, Shoes
- Sword
- Wings
And as Bonus Items:
- Abbadon Hair
- Blue Yaksha Mask
So if you want some of these items (i don't splitt the clothing of the Glacial) send me an PM with your offer and maybe it will be yours.
So Guys and Girls,
as you can see i want to buy dat two Claymores. So if you sell dat 2, you can PM me and we see if the price fits my feelings.
So see you around.
Greetings everyone
as you can read i want to sell OR trade my Dragonknight Abbadon Claymore against a Firemaster (Salavdore Rosso) Claymore OR enough money to Buys one.
SOOO if you want to buy it or better you want to trade that claymore, you welcome to send me an PM.
Well see you around.