Posts by Toomanylies
I sell all of this, I could do hanger too if the price is fine.
Please write me offers if not I will ignore.
Hello I'm looking for this hair, just pm if you got it!
Hello do you still have servius hair and weapon for ara ? and how much for it
I just have the hair and once again offers
Ich hoffe der Fakt wird nicht vergessen dass Korea ein wenig anders tickt als wir.
Hello~ Do you still have 5/5 ET2 Ara ? If you have it, 1.5b is enough ?
Thanks and have a nice day~
Hair is gone for 1,8b
4/5 is still there
Eigentlich ist es das Event mit den Einteilern, Selfie-Pose und Skill-Cut-Ins steht da auch.
Ja eigentlich müsste die Pose perma im Shop sein oder kommt erst später.
Ey GF euer Spiel ist gerade komplett am abkacken was den Server angeht, ich hoffe das habt ihr schon bemerkt (?)
Drecks Server und seine Dcs
update and push
how much do you want then?
guess both for 700 because top ticket would cost 700m
i would offer 300m for those 2 pieces, would also pay the removals.
sorry it's not enough for me-
2/4 Dusk and Dawn gone
I buy this^, please pm me!
How much for Dusk/Dawn 2P?
2b2 or 2b1
update and push